I think it's possible that cabin fever is setting in. Or depression. I'm not sure which. Depressive cabin fever?

I haven't left the house yet today and the past couple of days I really only went out to walk the dog. Trying to stay in and be good and not drink and not hit on babes and especially not spend any money.
Unfortunately my plans to be getting shit done seem to be falling remarkably flat. Or expectedly flat.
There is nothing that I feel like doing. Nothing. I could do anything and there's nothing that I want to do. Except watch TV and waste time on the internet. How ridiculously sad is that? I have so many skills and passtimes. I cannot believe that I have the gift of all this free time (in between applying for jobs online, I mean) and that I'm not using it at all.
UGH. story of my life.
I have gotten a couple of minor things done. But so super minor. I could have my entire house cleaned, a whole script written, sellable crafts made, or at least the dishes all done.

I made cookies last night! And then today I ate them!
Okay, there's still a few left but not many. I'm not drinking so instead I'll eat!
These photos are from Loving In The Name Of, which is a dance party featuring a superband made up of members of lots of the best bands and they play the best songs ever and call themselves The Best. Fair enough!
Miss Lindeman and McGruff did a duet! And it was soooo lovely. I wish I'd gotten a photo of them holding hands it was too cute to deal with. Aww the babies.

They love me and I love them forever.
And these next few photos are from a fundraiser beer party for Birdtown Swanville we went to on Saturday.

I took a few more of the worst shots ever that night but luckily I deleted them! Was super happy to see people, super happy to break it down for a bit, and super happy to eat all the nachos at Sneaky Dee's afterwards with my favourite Dollface.
Home by 2:30, didn't go to an after party, what am I? A regular man?

And finally, this is the only photo I took at the clothing swap on Sunday. It looks like it should be on the oddly specific aspect of fail blog.

No one took that shirt home with them.
I also didn't take the sleazy tank top home with me that said "Rock Royalty" on it, despite Dayna's pushing. Hahahaaa I kind of wish I had. Except that what if people didn't get that it was a joke?
We did get really sweet hauls, though. I love swaps! Honestly, they are one of the best things to come into my life in the past few years. Some of my most favourite items have come into my life via my friends and their friends. Plus there was sangria!
Okay, since I've been at home watching so many movies lately, maybe you'd like some reviews? Probably not but whatever.
Hmmm. Actually I'm the worst at reviews of anything and I also hate when people ruin anything about movies or tell me anything about them before I see them. Whatever. Here are some things I thought,
Blue Valentine:
The posters for this make it look really really sexy and hot and fun. Maybe I should have watched a trailer or something because this is really sad. I didn't love Michelle Williams or Ryan Gosling as much as I thought I would in this. In fact, I maybe liked Ryan Gosling better in All Good Things, which I watched recently as well. They were still totally solid but because they are two of my favouritefavourites, I had high expectations for these guys. Can someone make Ryan Gosling my boyfriend? Also, it did make me want to get a good dad for my kids, though. Hmmmmm.
Dudes, I'm not allowed to ruin this for you! It says right on the poster. But I will say that it is a documentary and not a horror film. And I like good documentaries and this one is pretty outrageous. It'd be hard to make something up this crazy. Morgan Spurlock thought it was a fake but I do not because you'd be hard-pressed to find an actor who could pull off playing this character.
Temple Grandin:
Claire Danes! I'm not even going to pretend for one minute that I don't have a deep love for Claire Danes. I do. Except I also find her annoying sometimes. But not here! No not here at all! Maybe slightly over the top? But also maybe not. Playing someone who is autistic would be terrifically hard. And I think she did such a lovely, warm job of playing someone who really isn't warm at all. This story was super interesting as well, trying to make farms and slaughterhouses much more humane for cattle? I'm in!
I wasn't even going to bother mentioning I watched this movie, as it was terrible. But then I remembered that Hugh Dancy is Claire Danes'... WAIT. I thought ex-boyfriend but I just checked and they are MARRIED. Wow. hmm, and in this movie he plays a man with Aspergers, which is on the Autism spectrum.
Okay. This movie is not terrrrible, it is just not great. I found it forced and also boring. I found his portrayal a bit false. I don't even know why. Now I feel bad since he probably has a soft spot for Claire Danes, too.
Alright, Hugh Dancy, I really really like your name, I'll give you that. When I was small I had imaginary friends named Soandso and Dancy. soooo..... nice work.
Do Not Recommend.
The Social Network
Interesting! More interesting than I thought! I like the guy in this a lot. Ummm.. yep, that's pretty much what I have to say about that. Also, I'm glad Facebook exists, how else would I creep on everyone all the time?
The King's Speech:
Man, dudes cry a lot when becoming king, hey? Actually the friendship in this story is super lovely and I cried when I watched it, so... actually that doesn't prove anything because I get choked up over everything. I like looking at Helena Bonham Carter and pretending I will have a career like hers one day. GOAL. I liked the sets in this movie, also. Oh, and Colin Firth was great.
Would it be weird to name my daughter Wallace? I guess Cheesbrough is probably bad enough without bringing Wallace into it.
Wow, at this rate watching the Oscars is actually going to be interesting for me. I've actually seen some of the movies.
Now, if you are my mother I can hear you thinking that I am being ridiculous watching a billion movies (not to mention the TV shows! Did anyone watch Shameless?) instead of writing my own shit.
And you are really, really right.