just being in Saskatoon right now, that's all.
I've all-of-a-sudden run out of time and that's annoying! to say the least!
This always happens, but still.
Mum and I leave to start our road-trip on Saturday morning! I am trying to plan it right now! Yikes!

Whoaaaa Whitmore is a babe, eh? I mean, I knew that already but this picture is sort of sealing the deal for me. haahaaa aww I like that guy.

"Is that his pants??" -Steve-Dave, not too bright. Obviously he has an afghan on his lap because it was chilly out! It's fall in Saskatoon, I'm kind of into it.
Me and Whitmore had a nice afternoon. I got to his house and he was like "wanna go for a walk?" and I was like "WHEN HAVE YOU EVER KNOWN ME TO WANT TO GO FOR A WALK?" except I maybe didn't shout it but it looks good in all-caps like that to me. It's true though. One time when Whitmore and I were dating (for 2 weeks) when I was 17 he tried to wake me up to come outside to look at the sunrise. I refused to wake up and so he carried me out. Then I immediately went back inside and back to sleep.
Ever look back on your life and wish you were better/more romantic/less tired. Yeah, me too.

I am a really good sleeper. So I guess win some lose some.
I went for the walk with him, though. We went to the grocery store and I got hallowe'en kisses (NIKI WHERE ARE YOU?) and Whitmore wasn't wearing any shoes. Then we went down to Broadway and ran into people.

It was a super-nice walk, actually. Although I felt like we were in a short film the entire time. That'll happen sometimes, I guess.
Back at Whitmore's he made me green tea and some fried rice thing that was real nice. I tried to steal the big pottery bowl he had (by a famous potter, apparently) for Mrs, but he wouldn't let me. At least he made me food. I GUESS.

He has a whole bunch of beer in a keg which is left-over from parties he had that I wasn't invited to. So if you're in Saskatoon and want beer...I know a guy.

Also, Whitmore laughs so loud and earnestly that it's very hard not to love him.

I wish he hadn't refused to take photos of me.

Oh yeah, hey, that's the bowl.
It's okay I already bought Mrs. a few gifts so far aaaand I haven't even started my cross-Canada road-trip.
I miss some of my Toronto buds. I called Dollface the other day and she was in the park and while we were on the phone she ran into JL and so I spoke to him too. Two for the price of one!
Who wants to have Aunties brunch next Friday with my mum and I???? PARTY BRUNCH?

I liked this dirty puddle outside of the Midtown Plaza this afternoon. I don't know why.
I just liked it.
I like Saskatoon so much.

sushi time with my favourite steve-dave (who refused to get photographed properly.. not that I was trying) and her friend who I like a lot who I am not going to give a nickname to as he will probably not play a huge role in this blog since we don't even live in the same city plus we're not actually friends just the kind of people who get to see each other because of other people. Wow. I should've just given him a nickname.

I cannot stop using hipstamatic. I'm sorry. I just find it too visually appealing. Normal photos not visually appealing. hipstamatic! Appealing! I know I'm late to this game but I just like it. OKAY.

Heyyy I look young.

I posted on fb that I was going to sushi in Saskatoon for the first time. Got some comments about fish in Saskatchewan. I don't even eat fish. But I love veggie sushi more than most things! So good!

this stuff was right-on also, yeah it was at Sushiro which is just off Broadway (if you're wondering). Great food and selection and the fish looked good (I dunno I'm not a good judge) but it's pretty pricey, eh? I guess most good restaurants are... I'm just used to Toronto veggie sushi being one of my favourite cheap dinners.

non-hipstamic is so boring. so boring I even put my fingers in it.
Ugh I talked Steve-Dave into giving me clothes she no longer wants because she's a pretty amazing dresser and she and her sister have way toooo many clothes and then I left her place with a HUGE bag full of stuff! I really shouldn't have! Where am I going to pack this? We're driving an Echo for chrissssssakes!
One more day to fit all my Saskatoon-ing in. I kind of wonder how I'll managed it. First step would probably be to go to bed right now since it's 2:30...