Day one of the road trip COMPLETE.

I mean, except for how I'm not actually asleep yet.

I'm on the 3rd floor of a B&B which used to be a convent, my mum is sleeping in our room but no one's up here but us so I'm in the common area trying to use the wifi which is weak at best. And I do mean weak!

Awww man it's taking forever to load any webpages! Awesome! I want to go to sleep!
Pretty solid day, despite the 10 hours of driving. My one regret is missing out on the Salvation Army in Yorkton. We got super frustrated trying to find stuff and were behind schedule on account of already going down one wrong highway, so we just left. I did want to see it though..
Spent an awesome $4 at the Lanigan MCC Gift and Thrift, though.

Small town Sask is pretty much the best. Everything was half price at this store too. I was like "should I get this pot? oh it's fifty cents I guess I might as well!"

My mum's getting on my nerves only a bit and it's in a mum-way which last about 12 second and then I get over it. I don't know if I can say the same for me on her nerves... AH WELL.

Also, I did kind of want to go visit the Margaret Laurence house in Neepawa, but we didn't have time. We forgot about the time difference (of course). I love Margaret Laurence. She's dead though she wouldn't have been home anyway.

My mum did read the Neepawa newspaper, though! Exciting times.
Steve-Dave made me download the Moron Test app for iphone (which cost a whole 99cents) and I played a lot of that in the car. Super frustrating and addicting trying to prove you're not a moron!
I am pretty into the scenery. Something I never thought I'd care about. Now it's one of my favourite things.

We're staying the night in Elie, MB. There's a hot tub here! We went in it! Also, there's lots of year-round Christmas decorations around. I like it.
There's more Christmas decorations in one of the closets. I told me mum we should just put them up for them. She was not convinced.
The trains go by so close here we can feel the house shake. Pretty nice.
I wish I owned this old convent then I would decorate it more tastefully (no offense hahaaaa no offense always means offensive) and have parties. I would also take out the chapel because who wants a chapel in their house? not me.

haha the house is shaking so much right now.

I may or may not wear the exact same outfit tomorrow. Very comfortable for traveling.