
chia chia chia chic



GUYSES, it looks like I'm getting free glasses from clearly contacts! they were having a give-away! I mean, I couldn't try them on so who even knows how they'll look on me but I am still V excited! I love glasses! glassesglassesglasses
Plus my old dark plastic framed ones are broken and my clear plastic ones are less appealing ever since a babe said they looked like science goggles. HAHAHAHA not that much of a babe, apparently. I'm good at experimenting. No I'm not.
And my olden-timey ones aren't the most comfortable and sometimes they feel like they're a bit much.


okok these are the ones I chose. Good? Yeah.

Anyway, I just have the pay the $15 shippping. Not too shabby. I've ordered my contacts from them before and always had super good service and they're into being really great and friendly and easy to use. Like it.

Oh man, it's funny how easy it is to go from being like "my career's bad, nothing good will ever happen" to being with it again, positive.
Turns out it just takes two auditions in two days that go well and you look good for and having good hair.

Man, good hair is hard to have. If you're me and have the thinnest, finest hairs ever which don't hold red dye for anything. But lately I've been doing an okay job of coming close to having the long luxurious hairs I've always dreamed of. and it's mostly kind of soft. When it's not dreadlocking itself rubbing on my shirt collars.

Also good hair is kind of the only thing that matters in terms of being a pretty girl. No? Close though?
I wish I had natural curls and I wish my hair would grow longer and longer and be the shiniest ever. Pipe dreams.
Oh you don't care that much? 

Today I had an audition for a TV show and I only had 1.5 lines and there was no character description to speak of. Those are kind of hard! Not much to go on. I felt okay about it and the guy said "great fucking read" which is nice and makes me feel better about it. Plus I felt like I had a good outfit on. I am THE WORST at dressing for auditions. I find it so painfully stressful.
I mean, I can normally outfit myself in real life but jeeeeezus all the restrictions on what you're supposed to wear and also how to keep a bit of personality plus cover up things you want covered (fat arms, etc.) plus no tears plus professionalish. Ughhghg. I honestly wish I had a stylist who would just decide for me in times like these.

I'm working today tomorrow, right through Wednesday, actually. Too much! Of course I deserve it since I was on vacation for two weeks there. But still.

Oh, also I have an embarrassing story for ya real quick.
I was on a date the other night. I rarely go out on dates. I mean, I hang out with dudes sometimes but rarely it is a date with someone I barely know. Bizarre sport, that. I resisted doing tequila shots and I resisted canceling I don't know how people do this on the regular.
ANYWAY, on the date I open up Facebook on my phone and of course the first thing that comes up is a picture of him. Which he saw. Obviously. Ughhh the last thing I'd been looking at (I was showing Dayna, actually, the night before) was his profile.
Emmmmmbarrassing. But also funny.


Today I bought some chia seeds because apparently they are a super food. I will eat them and get tough. I will get my omegas and my iron. They were very expensive. Most healthy things are. sshitty buzz, eh.
I forgot to pick up more quinoa. Speaking of expensive healthy things.


Okok rambly entry I haven't even had coffee today although I did have so much coffee last night and beer at the same time and it was a sweet combination, I'll tell ya that.

my little bud from Saskatoon is in town and I'm going to Auntiesss with her in a few minutes here. I know I've knicknamed her on her but good lord knows what it is. She's cute, anyway.

I wish my new glasses were here now!
I wish I would have a billion more auditions and book everything!