

dooooods guys, I'm busy!
I'm not really really busy I'm just mostly busy. I got back safe and sound from that wee roadtrip and since then I've been wooooorking and then paaaaaaartying and it's hard to find time for the internet! I love the internet. Also, my mum is staying with me and she's annoyed that I'm sitting behind her on the computer coughing and typing.

Luckily I'm going to SNEAKY DEE'S which I am all of a sudden SO IN THE MOOD FOR for no good reason. Weird, eh?
I leave you with this from Joey Ng on my FB in response to an earlier statement she'd made about Toronto having no good babes:
" There are plenty of babes in Toronto, note that I said good babes. As in babes we haven't already slept with nor burned bridges with nor those who are bound to.

Good babes.
Babes that just wanna bump Usher or The XX and drive you to In-and-Out with their hand in your lap then go home and watch some Zach Galifianakis and make out and do you right (sex-wise)."

SHIT SON, that does sound fun.

Here is Neys National park starring me and my mother: 

okay ttyl hang loose