As you read this, I'm probably sitting in the screened-in back porch at the cottage. I am jealous of myself all the time these days. Life is excellent. Life is always excellent while you're at the cottage!

Oh yeah, this is my vacation hat, you can tell I'm on vacation when I'm wearing it, or at least in a vacation state of mind!

cottage cottage cottage cottage cottage

Yep, so Dollface is being loveley enough to take me back to the cottage with her! So lovely!
We'll be there until Wednesday, just in time to go to the Sweet Thing CD release!
Here are the photos from a few weeks ago, so you can know pretty much exactly what I'm up to. Man I'm so excited about all the things I'm going to enjoy again!

Yeah, I don't know why I was so into taking close-ups of my face. For fun, I guess!

Let's hang up the sheets on the clothesline!

kaya! kaya is my favourite dog!

too many trashy magazines...why are those things so addictive?

ohhh man I am going to cannonball off that thing SO HARD

Whoa, finally through one camera's worth of pictures from this last time. Still have a bunch from the other one, I think? maaaybe.No, actually, maybe this is it...

I'm going to be taking a bunch of photos with my new iPhone 4 (!!!!) I hope. I hope we can make a good video or two, too!

Now I have an odd obsession with finding myself some wonderful flower-print sheets for my own bed. All mix-matched, of course. I'm thinking yellows and oranges and blues and stuff. Maybe pinks? I've never really had any pinks in my house before...

Okay I hope the city is fun! For once I can be checking my email at the cottage.. annoying, I know.. but also AWESOME. so sext me or somethin'!