Here are me and Rerun chilling out. These are from two nights ago but we look pretty much exactly the same right now. Such a dearface.

Haaaa Rerun's grumbly face is one of my all-time favourite things.

I took these photos in the airport in Toronto. Pearson now has free wifi! Niiice.
I just watched True Blood and ate some (rice) macaroni and cheese casserole. This is maybe the most alone time I've had since Wednesday. I should be asleep right now, but at least I had a three hour nap this evening to recover from my headache.

It's crazy how being around people affects me too much. People think that I party-all-the-time in Toronto because there's so much going on, but really if you're good at party then you can do it anywhere!

I frequently wonder if I would love the prairies as much if I actually lived here full-time. I don't think I'd appreciate it nearly as much if I had never left. That's for sure.

I am not kidding about wanting to live here again. I love Toronto and all, but man I breathe easier when I'm here. I breathe easier around my mum and family a bit too (even if they do drive me nuts).
I'm nowhere near being done with Toronto, but I am ready to spend more time in Saskatoon.
My friend Coriander from college never ever wanted to live in a smaller place like her mother, was very into being a big city girl and a famous actor and now she owns the sweetest flower shop in Parkdale and has just purchased a home in Belleville.
pretty funny/great!
It's only a failure if you quit trying to do something that you want to do. If you don't want to do it anymore then it's success.

In like 3 years (5 years) Mrs, Noodle, and I are going to have a book/gift/toy shop for kids and mums and then when that's going good I'm going to open up a brunch place in Saskatoon. Brunch is really only now starting to catch on in Saskatoon.
I've been to The Park Cafe twice already since being back.

Used to have a hard time deciding where to have lunch until this place came to be. Now I see people I know there every single time.

Black bean veggie burger or breakfast with fried eggs, hashbrowns, fruit cup. Yessssssssssssss.

On Thursday while everyone was at work or doing wedding stuff I meant to go to Value Village but instead I drove out to Warmen (easier to get to, traffic is insane in this city!) and went thrift shopping at the MCC Gift and Thrift. I got this dress! And a sweet black bunnyhug and a black purse and a gift for Mrs. and a gift for the newly weds and glassware for me!

Nice colour!

Oh yeah, Park Cafe gives you free suckers. I ran into this friend and made her take my picture. This is right outside the MCC furniture shop I was on my way to. I found some sweet things there as well.
I have to decide if I'm going to get one of the steamer trunks they have for sale there and if I should get the little blue one ($30) or the little black one with the tiny drawers and hangers ($50)....

Mum thinks I shouldn't take up all the space in the car with my steamer trunk but I waaaant one, I've been wanting a trunk forever, although i wouldn't mind a wooden one now that you mention it... hmm. I plan on making my mum stop in thrift stores across the country on our way back maybe I should wait and see...
I still haven't seen some people I need to see but now that wedding weekend is over I have a few days for more socializing and more Saskatooning.
Oh yeah, also, since I'm going to be thrifting, I will also be looking for Christmas/birthday gifts, so if there's anything you need me to keep an eye out for then let me know!