ohhhhhhh man, I just spend forever laughing so hard at these photos.
It's a good thing that I keep myself amused, I guess?

ha, I told Day that I was hitting on her husband! He looks so deadpan, handsome guy that one!

haha this one looks like he's ready to protect me.

=true love forever

I would be hard pressed to tell you who I think looks more nutso in this one. Wow.

Yep! that's all of Sweet Thing!
You might think I would have spent some time photoshopping these so that any of us looked half decent but you'd be wrong.
I did desaturate them because they were terrifying as fuck before I did. Not that they're not still scary, but...

I still have about I billion photos to deal with from the other night, actually they're all up on my flickr now, but I just have to post them here...
I'm kind of into the song Duotang right now.. anyone else??
I cannot even begin to understand that summer is almost done. Seems like it just started one minute ago.
Luckily Saskatoon on Thursday for about a week and then about a week of road-tripping back with my mum. So at least there's that big adventure before we all calm down into fall a bit, start wearing sweaters and think about making out with less people...