These days feel so stupidly ridiculous. I think it's because I cannot seem to make myself settle down and sit still properly. Kind of my fault but also everyone else's fault. No kidding.
I didn't end up staying in last night at all! I ended up going to Accost's house and then to the park with Cpt. and the gang. Cpt. and I got noodles Sweet Lulu delivered to us on a bike! How amazing, right?? They deliver to the park! And it was pretty good. Good idea, Cheespie!
Ended up staying in the park for hours and hours and people came and went and it was so lovely. god, it's hard to tear myself away from all the funtimes in the universe.
I keep feeling guilty about how little I'm getting done but at least I'm enjoying myself, right? At least I'm living it up?
Noodle and Dollface and I are moving to Japan we decided. I hesitate to tell you what kind of job we think we'll be doing, as it goes against everything I stand for. Yet I feel like it'd be the besssst everrrr.