I love this khaki onesie that I bought at the Village Green thrift store (aka Mennonite Clothes Closet) in Saskatoon. I didn't try it on and I thought "GEEZ SEVEN DOLLARS IS A LOT TO PAY FOR THIS ONESIE" because I had just bought a bunch of sweet ones at Honest Ed's here for fifty cents but I still got it and maaaan do I like it. I apologize to you if you see me a lot and every time you see me I am wearing this khaki onesie and talking about safari-ing all the time.

I took these photos a few weeks ago. There's a good possibility I was drunk at the time. Dollface was saying that she read that women who are ovulating dress more seductively than otherwise.
You know who else dresses "seductively"? Drunk people.
Haaa, sometimes I make the best outfits while pre-drinking. I swear I'm just getting this phase out of my system, I am just partying into space while I can and using up my desire to socialize and dance and cause shit so that when I'm older and settled and have a million babies (fine one at least) then I can feel like I never missed out on anything!

Speaking of ovulating. Bodies are wild! imagine none of us had hormones and then we could just decide if we liked each other based on logic or something closer to logic at least...
I said something about that the other night and one guy said something about hormones not being a problem for guys. Classssssssssssic.
Apparently women who are on the pill are more likely to be in long-term relationships. This is also probably because if you're having sex all the time you probably want to use something other than condoms if at all possible. Which is funny because the pill can also be pretty detrimental to a a woman's sex drive!
I do wonder though.. if I were on the pill if I'd be more into a proper relationship.
This may be TMI (I'm not sure why I even worry at all about too much information since bluntness and openness are things I value very much in blog and in IRL friends) but I've not been on the pill since I was 18 or maybe younger, and now they won't even prescribe it to me because I get bad migraines (very rarely but usually with an "aura" which precedes them and can be very frightening - remember when I lost the ability to remember words?? fun!) and this increases the risk of stroke blah blah, etc.
Anyway, it's interesting to note exactly how my body exactly works at different points and what/who I'm interested in and how I approach people.
Sometimes while I'm at the dome I see some guys who are totally bros and I don't even like bros at all but my brain/body is like BRO BABES BRO BABES BRO BABES TOUGH TOUGH MINE MINE MINE MINE caveman fucking brain, don't judge me.
Kind of neat, though! Neat to keep track of trends and interests. But then I also get super defensive of other people blaming things on my hormones and not being realistic. But no one is ever completely realistic!
Jesus, we're all carrying so much baggage and have been through so many different things and got our own patterns and built-in expectations that nothing is realistic!
ha, though I decided years ago I would never begin any type of involvement when I had PMS because it would undoubtedly be a two-weeker. terrible!

I do usually wear it more buttoned up, in case you were wondering.
Also, while we're on the subject of ways I am insane, my obsession with familiarity is too extreme. I realized that a dude I made out with reminded me of someone and that's probably why I made out with him. But then I realized that I don't even particularly like the person he reminded me of!
"I don't want any babes with baskets"
"oh yeah?"
"Yeah! No babes with any baskets! Too much work"
"Wait. Do you mean baggage?"
Noodle is the best.
I'm okay with babes with baskets, especially if it means they'll carry my groceries home for me.