It was super fun, still. And I had a bit of dance party at the end before taking off to go celebrate Prune's birthday with her.
I still like Hey, George, in fact I think I like it more now than I did initially. Still proud of it. Still annoyed with certain things I do in it, but that's the way it goes.
I'm sure I don't have to tell you that I am very jealous of all my friends who have productions going on.
I'm jealous!
there are 2 that I highly recommend:
"A mysterious student posts questionably offensive material on the class discussion board, testing the liberalism of a young professor of film theory. The attacks become vicious and bizarre.
How can you remain progressive when progress becomes dangerous?
The play's combination of theatre, cinema, and new media allows for intertextual storytelling, fitting for a theory professor who is obsessed with reading into films and reading into the behaviour of her tormentor. “Theory” speaks with the same technological savvy of its characters to investigate the dangers of how we communicate today."
PLAYWRIGHT: Norman Yeung
DIRECTOR: Joanne Williams
STAGE MANAGER: Carolyn Mykytyshyn
SET DESIGNER: Camellia Koo
MUSIC: Slim Twig
Sascha Cole
Martin Happer
Earl Pastko
Roger Bainbridge
Bobbi Jaye
Darrel Gamotin
Zahir Gilani
August 5 @ 7.00PM
August 7 @ 4.30PM
August 8 @ 4.30PM
August 13 @ 7.00PM
August 14 @ 4.30PM
August 15 @ 11.30AM (morning)
The Lower Ossington Theatre (The LOT)
100A Ossington Avenue (North of Queen)

Written by Amy Lee Lavoie and Matthew Mackenzie
Directed by Rose Plotek
Starring: Chala Hunter and Alex McCooeye

"Biddy Bridge receives a letter of inquiry at the tourist office in Muff, Ireland, from Logan H. Hasselhoff—no relation. An uproarious correspondence ensues between the two, in which Biddy and Logan propel each other to incredible heights, before taking the biggest dive of either of their lives."
August 5th 5:30 PM
August 7th 3:00 PM
August 8th 8:00 PM
August 10th 10:30 PM
August 13th 5:30 PM
August 14th 10:30 PM
Factory Studio Theatre
125 Bathurst Street NE Corner of Bathurst & Adelaide

I did these publicity shots for them the other day! Yes that is my best friend from elementary school, Prune, who is starring in this show which looks so funny!

I also meant to tell you that Entire Cities was playing Dakota last night in a bid to win the Sunday night residency there, but I couldn't get around to it as I was working waaaay too much this weekend.

But it ended up getting lined up even before they went on! And being packed and v fun, I had such a great time dancing so hard to them and also to Ride The Tiger who played later after them.

I love Entire Cities so much, not just because they're some of my favourite buds but also because they are SO FUN.
And Ride the Tiger played a whole lot of Motown covers and you know there's not much I'd rather do than dance around to Motown. NO JOKE THAT'S WHAT I DO MOST DAYS IN MY APARTMENT.
I took these photos of Entire Cities a few months ago and I don't think I've posted them yet? Have I? Who knows!

So many of my favourite people were out and about last night and people were actually dancing and jumping up and down and I didn't really drink at all (okay finefinefine a couple of Budz on ice) and I mostly just scoped babes (haaa although my friend told me I looked like a librarian surveying the room about to shush everyone when I was standing on a chair wearing my olden-times glasses having a look around). Scoping babes is easier when you're sober. Except then there are way fewer babes.

I think I was also being pretty rude. Sigh. Sorry Cpt. Heh.

After the show we ended up running into a bunch of ridiculous people and possibly smoking a j in a vw bus with extendible roof on Dundas. Then Noodle and I may or may not have sat on the ground for awhile outside writing rap lyrics.
I fucking love Noodle. She seriously murrrrders me. Funny up and down.
We spent awhile changing the lyrics for the MCDA song "Ninja" to "Ginga".
Especially since I've been in the market lately for a ginger to have babies with then my babies will have the luxurious red hairs that I've always wanted. People only have children to live vicariously through, right?
haaaa I told Dollface that I wanted red headed babies and she said,
"Why so you don't have to dye their hair, too?"
and I said,
"No, so I that I can grow out their hairs real long, cut them off and wear them as a wig."
Also, I'm mostly joking on this one. Obviously.
Man, I want an iPhone and I really don't feel like going through the hassle of dealing with cellphone companies... Plus I always throw my cellphone on the ground at top speed so maybe I shouldn't even be allowed to have one..
How am I possibly still this tired?