I am doing a great job on getting stuff done right now!
Bessssssssssssssssssst feeling!

Awww man, imagine if I became the person I have all this potential to be? That'd be so rad!
I'm totally going to do it!

Ha, yeah, I was definitely practicing my smiling. Not really any place better than the cottage for practicing smiling.
Actually I was in a bad mood for a few moments there, actually we all had our moods, but managed to work through them.

I've been smiling more. I feel like Noodle's been a good influence lately. She's so cheery and friendly that it's infectious. I always want to be warm and fun and lovely, and I always fail so much of the time!
And she's doing such a good job!
At the cottage we talked about lots and lots of everything and at one point Reggie was talking about how you you have to do what you want. What you actually feel like doing. You can't act certain ways to illicit different responses, that won't make anything end well.
Now, this seems obvious, but it really isn't.
I feel like it's hard to be open and friendly and warm with people and put myself out there and be affectionate. Even if that's what I actually want to do...
I'm going to try harder!

I think I got these two bruises from bike-riding? That's the problem with me, too many bruises, too few memories of how I got them! It sounds really terrible when doctors ask me about it. I feel like they should be more worried about why I bruise so easily and why my skin takes so long to heal!
I think I may be a delicate flower.

Look at that hammock in the background, just begging to be curled up in. I didn't get around to bringing out pillows and blankets to the hammock (favourite) and now I regret it. Of course!

Oh, guys, what I wouldn't give right now to go swimming in there again! I wish I'd been feeling a bit better the last couple of days so I could have swam more.
Luckily the first day Reggie and I went swimming (me forever, him medium forever) and then that night Reggie, Noodle, and I all went skinny-dipping.
It was starry and cloudy and warm and wonderful out. So fucking nice, can't explain. Lay out on the dock under the stars for awhile and it wasn't cold at all. It's good to notice the best kinds of moments in life.

Yes, alright. I'm going to ride this high of productivity right to bed and hopefully when I wake up I'll bolt out of bed to keep on being the best at my life!
haaaaaaaaaa or I'll sleep until 3!
(all photos from my iphone!)