This is a photo of me from today. Sometimes I like to wear my hair in a topknot. Shitty cameras = neat photos.
I'm on a music purge sort of lately.
I'm not listening to any music with lyrics/vocals. Except for when it's live, or for research or when deciding my song-of-the-day send out.
It's making me feel a lot better about music. I've been really irritable with all music lately. Nothing interests me/satisfies me/feels right. I've downloaded a whole bunch of new albums and have no patience for listening to them.
So I'm listening to a lot of CBC radio and Explosions in the Sky and even No Birds. I need to download some of that classical shit moms like. That'd be nice.
I don't think I like hearing the news that often though. Gets me down.
So, I've had a complete lack of a thirst for knowledge the past few years. I mean, I'm interested in things that relate directly to me - music, pop culture, film and TV, etc. But I have had very little desire to know about anything else. Embarrassing.
But lately I've been feeling awkward about my lack of knowledge. I have nothing to back up the fact that I'm pretty smart. Except how I just tell everyone about it.
I'm ignorant.
That's the worst!
I really, really want an atlas.
I've also got a bit of an urge for travel lately. Which has never happened before. I've never been one who dreams of faraway places - I only dream for home, or here, or both. The biggest I dreamt was Seattle, but that was more about living there. I still don't know what about it fascinated me so much.
But I want to go to Ireland, Scotland, and England. And to Paris. And to LA and New York and the Caribbean. And Somalia. And Mumbai.
Oh, wait. There's actually nowhere that I don't want to go - at least a little bit.
Shit, this tease of getting a small amount of money coming in is making me feel like maybe one day I'll have enough. Maybe one day it won't be ridiculous to dream of seeing the world.
I think that's why I don't dream of it. It always seemed like a ridiculous waste of money.
I mean, I need new eyeglasses. And a dental check-up. And proper furniture. And to pay off my extreme debts.
Sigh sigh.
My life is great. No, really really.
I'm considering auditioning for the Second City conservatory program. Because I can't bear to be done improv classes after this round. I will definitely be taking more... and doing mainstage shows wherever anyone will let me (and maybe even when they won't!).
I'm working way too much this week. When will I have time for the partying? Huh?
I did go last night. I wasn't going to. I even got into the bathtub. But then I went to Dakota to see Deep Dark Woods again. It was really nice hanging out with these babes this tour - they're all really lovely.
One of them was talking about his girlfriend and he described her as "sweet" and I asked which way he meant it. He said he meant it in all the ways. Awwww.
Sometimes I get jealous of people who can hold things down.
Not very often though - 'cause they lose their party-drive.