Everyone kind of looks great in these big hot rollers, hey?
Okay, in the spirit of getting around to blogging things closer to when they actually happened, I bring you the photos from Friday night's ACTRA awards! You're welcome!

I only arrived 45 minutes later than I planned, nbd. Classsssssic. Mostly due to how I just felt like lying around, not getting dressed. I guess I was already in kind of a temper.
I was in a temper until part way through the award ceremony maybe.. and then there were ridiculously touching speeches when the awards were accepted as both best performance awards went to actors who had recently passed away.
Fairly upsetting. I think we were all a bit taken aback by how sad it was. Also, lovely.
My buds, Boys Who Say No were the musical guests and that was pretty adorable.
aaaaaand of course, my old pal Nick was nominated for an award and the clip they showed from his movie also featured music from his band, Sweet Thing. Lovely!
I think I'm going to go see that movie, which is called New Year when it plays at the Royal right away here. Who's in?

It was the martinis that made my night quite a bit better. I know it's terrible to rely on alcohol as a social crutch or as a mood elevator, but mannnnnnnnnnn. It's just a phase I'm going through (a very, very long, party-all-the-time phase).

See, Norman is on my team on this double-fisting mood-elevating team.

I said "make grouchy faces" and that was what She came up with! haaa (also, She is called She as she will not agree to be nicknamed Bess so we're on hold for what blogname she'll have so She is the best I've got right now).

Only one drink in your hand? Odd man out!


requisite actra backdrop photos!!

a woman in the drink line-up complimented me and asked where I got my dress and I relayed that I got it at a clothing swap and then she told me "you should shop at Winners. you gotta go to Winners." What? Helpful?

She went and got her hair done beforehand. HOW FANCY. obviously, I was jealous. Except I was also so happy with my stupid curls not immediately falling out that I was only medium-jealous.

yes, I did wear my mini-flask necklace. Ever classy, ever classy.

you're welcome for taking this picture while you were looking at your feet!

I feel the need to post pictures where I look like a little gremlin. I can't stress enough that I am mostly a little gremlin in real life. I just carefully select pictures that make it look otherwise for blog.

Norman, adorbs. I mean, badass. Whichever!

Last night Norman and I got asked if we were PICs, which apparently stands for Partners In Crime. OBVIOUSLY. Also, Norman is maybe the only person who parties more than I do. Man, Norman will just party by himself at Hoops if no one is around to join him. In fact, he somewhat prefers it that way.

("Toronto is making you weird. The longer you live there, the weirder you get." - my mother on my recent Hoops fetish)

While exiting the washroom I remember that we ran into our friend outside the washroom last year. Oh god, now I need a blogname for him too. Jeeeezus. Ummm. Let's call him Butterface. No, wait, that's rude. Let's call him SOUL PATCH. perfect. ahahahahah! hah! ahaha!
Anyway, the basic backstory on Soulpatch is that we used to be involved. By which I mean, we tried to date but it turned out that we couldn't stand each other and he drove me insane but also I still kind of adored him but he wore a t-shirt that said "the head foundation please give generously" and he had a soul patch and wore socks with his sandals and I wanted to punch him pretty often even though I also found most of this kind of funny(? sort of? who remembers!).
The best part about Soulpatch is that he has a really remarkably unshakable self-confidence (thank god, if you're going to hang around with me). Probably stemming from being in an HBO movie with JTT (the reason I first spoke to Soulpatch at all hahahaa classic).
So we didn't "date" for long but we did continue "hanging out" over quite some time, maybe? Who remembers, this was years ago now.

(ssshhhuuuttttt upppp hair why don't you always look like that?)
These days Soulpatch has been in a longterm relationship forever and a half and I'm still exactly how I've always been (jk? in a good way?) and now when I see him I just adore the hell out of him. Why? Who the f knows! I just find him so familiar and ridiculous and I just want to smush his face, ya know? and he still thinks I'm great (obviously) but we aren't close buds or anything. Maybe sometime.
anyway, as we were exiting the washroom I said "aww I wish Soulpatch were here, remember we ran into him last year?" and then THERE HE WAS, right where we saw him last year.
They may or may not have set it up so it happened like that but it was still super bizarre since I had juuuust thought of him!

These days he cut his hair and grew a beard and is wearing plaid, wtf?!
me: "Soulpatch... are you now someone I'd be attracted to?"
soulpatch: "um, I'm pretty sure you've been attracted to me in the past"
me: "okay, attracted yes, but now you're actually my type"
ha, actually I think what I actually said was waaaay ruder. Way, way ruder.
And we wonder why I'm single!
(just kidding no one wonders, so rude and impatient!)

I didn't really dance. But we did party. Did I dance?
I drank too much.

I was definitely not the only one. But hopefully I mostly only said normal things to most people?

We did have a time. Didn't chase down any celebrities at all, really... I did look at that lead guy from The Listener because he really does have such beautiful eyes. LIKE HE CAN READ MY THOUGHTS (and my thoughts are that I'd like to hit that).

I like to not tell people about the obnoxious faces I'm going to be making the photo beside them.

little creeper gremlin haaaha.

Now it is me who is the cute one! For once!
Tonight we watch the Oscars!
I'm happy because I like watching stupid things while drinking and Mrs. and Arrow are having people over and going over to their house is one of my favourite things and they are some of my favourite people so obviously I get to look forward to it! Obviously!