The worst part is that I'm still having awesome adventures and party-all-the-times and taking too many photos, just not posting any of it. It goes so fast we don't have time to look at one another.

Here are some photos from Saving Grace a week or so ago.

I had never been in there but then I went again a few days later. It's very good. I will still always prefer Aunties because that's where my heart lives. Also Aunties has more things I can eat (fucking gluten fuck around) like how come I never get the mango chickpea salad?

No, Saving Grace is good. And I suspect if you like meat and gluten it is very good.

I'm in Saskatoon right now. It's my mum's birthday today. You would think I'd be tidying up the house for her but instead I am blogging and eating (gluten-free) apple pie with vanilla ice cream.

Went to the lake for a few days. I will post photos. I read a sad novel, hung out with family and an oldest friend, and sat on the beach holding a very very tiny baby. Perfect life? Possibly.
I'm still very much trying to wrangle my life to include living in Saskatchewan at least part time.
Although I'm just not sure how this is going to happen. I might have to get a Saskatoon husband.
Aw man, maybe I could have a Saskatoon husband and a Toronto husband?
They wouldn't even have to know about each other necessarily...
Tiny twinges of homesickness for Toronto. And people especially that I miss.
Though I shouldn't watch three episodes in a row of True Blood before bed like I did last night. Now I'm pretty much convinced that a babe I know is for sure a serial killer.
(Also I found myself yelling "You can't come into this house! I take back my invitation!" a lot.)