Fuck You, Penguin -- I really think this is funny. "A blog where I tell cute animals what's what" Because they need telling for sure for sure.

I'm such a big fan of Craigslist. No, but honestly. I've bought computers and cameras and ipods off it and even had missed connections.. so this site is awesome because of how dumb the world is.
You Suck at Craigslist

It was brought to my attention that one of my friends had never seen the story about Christian the lion. So here you are, just in case you somehow have never been on the internet at any point in your life:
Hmmm. So, I found out on the weekend that a kid I went to highschool with died. He was into doing that roof-jumping thing, jumping from roof to roof I guess? I didn't even know that that was a thing, but apparently it is and apparently you can fall off of them.
Such a bad scene. Tragic.
So maybe don't do that, okay, thanks.