I'm not enjoying this heat. It is not my favourite, I do not do well in these temperatures, I wilt like the delicate-petaled bloom that I am.
Speaking of which, I went for a "run" the other night. I was in a bad mood and I had a headache from not leaving the house all day and from watching four episodes of True Blood, so I decided I might as well go do something unenjoyable while I was grumpy. I'm pretty sure that's a good theory.
It ended up being kind of fine. I went at about 1 a.m., so the streets were pretty quiet and I ran around the neighbourhood a bit, avoided main streets and I didn't wear my eyes so I couldn't tell who was around anyway. I do not like running in public. And I do not like running at the gym, so I guess 1 a.m. is pretty much my best bet... it was kind of nice actually, because it was cool out and no one could see my BRIGHT RED FACE.
I get so effing red that it's kind of remarkable.
Yeah. It was okay.
I still hate exercise.
Even though it made my headache go away.
1.5 weeks until hometimez! I have to tell you, I really could use a vacation. I work too hard!
I haven't worked at all this week, but I am working 9 shifts or so in the next 11 days. Load up on the dollars, pls.
Okay I have a big announcement to make.
It has to do with what I'd like for my birthday and Christmas.

I want more dishes like these. I love them.
this one is my favourite:

I love all of them, though.
I bought this little guy at Value Village the other day for 49 cents.

That was a good deal. They didn't price it right.
You may have to go antique stores or something to find these for me. But I want them. I want to have a full fancy set of mix-matched pieces by the time I have my first mansion. I am not kidding around.

UGH they are so beautiful.
I know that I already posted this:

but I want you to know that I want that stuff.
Hooooooly Christmas is going to come so quick you won't even believe it! Or maybe you will, how should I know?
Also this morning I watched most of Wayne's World and drank too much coffee on an empty stomach and now I feel insane. In kind of a good way.