At Deck's house his parents had gotten us a shit-tonne of food. So much! We had burgers and salads and fruits and I made guacamole (delicious, obviously) and basically ate our faces off. In the best way.

So what if I were drinking Bud on ice? So maybe I like Bud? (I do kind of like Bud and also it's way less gluten than other beers!)
I obviously changed into sweatpants pretty much as soon as we got there. COTTAGE LIFESTYLE. So comfortable. It was kind of chilly but also perfect.

Deck's parents were so happy to see us, his dad insisted on taking photos for me, pretty awesome. I love how hard we're all eating. Uh Huh.

The dog at that house is basically nuts. It bolted at top speed back and forth across the lawn about 1 billion times. Relentless. Kind of cute, too.

After dinner we were sort of sitting around moaning about how much we'd just eaten and we see Deck's dad going down the slope with a can of gasoline -- one should really pay attention to people carrying cans of gasoline.

He made us this awesome huge bonfire with this pile of old branches and stuff -- when he set it on fire it made the loudest WOOOSH explosion sound it rattled the windows of the house and scared the shit out of us, wasn't expecting it at all at all!

To get a perspective on the size of it, bear in mind that that bench by the water is normal bench size.

We had to sit far back from it at first.

Drank some beers, ate some candy, talked about really, really deep things.

So nice out. Seriously though.

Deck's parents have an awesome cat who's sooo old and nice and calm and doesn't really like to be picked up (still did).

The dog wants the cat to be besties but the cat walks by himself and all places are alike to him.

Yes, those stairs do lead down into the Georgian Bay. Such a nice property, so lovely to sit by the water late at night.
Okay therein ends part 2.
I had an unexpected bit of time this morning before leaving for cottageparty2k9part2 so I'm making some entries and then I'm going to try and set them to auto-publish. We'll see if it works out!