the drive in from the airport.

someone drove into that sign a bit and then just kept going, according to the track-marks.
also, if you look closely you can see the snowflake I have in my iphone case these days. one of my favourite things.

thank god someone around here has a tree! this is at my cousin's house. Our family does not do tacky Christmas. I understand that in some households it is tradition to throw everything on the tree and celebrate the children's achievements by putting their macaroni ornaments front and centre. But that is not how we roll.
And I like it that way.
Christmastime should be one of the most beautiful times of the year, I don't know why everyone is always trying to wreck it. So much opportunity for tasteful decoration, why waste it?

My mother has not got a tree for our house yet. Maybe my aunt and I will go tomorrow? I'm ready for one!
I'm going to hang a bough or two in my room.

my cousin and I both wore our Christmas socks!

This is
Just kidding I wish that was my giant house so bad.

The "Is It Christmas?" app has started notifying me even though I never even asked! Buzzkill.

This is the view from the kitchen window.
Pretty nice, you gotta admit.
The house beside my cousin's is for sale and I think they should buy it for me for my birthday. That'd be so fun!

tonight I'm going to an art party with my ex-boyfriend from when I was 17. That's how Saskatoon is (for me). I'd kind of like to go to another art party (what's with all the art, ya beatniks?) but it depends on what JM is saying since I agreed to go with him weeeeks ago.
KZ asked in the comments recently what kind of camera I use and I keep forgetting to respond.
I'm still just using my iphone camera. The camera on the 4 is totally decent (5mp I think?) and it's true what they say about how the best camera is the one you have with you.
I haven't used my 10mp point-and-shoot in months nor have I brought out my rebel basically at all.
Also, I'm in love with the editing programs available right in the phone and how I can upload straight to flickr instead of digging out my cable and putting them on the computer first.
I've been using TiltShiftGen the most and Plastic Bullet and even Filter FX for the basic vintage look. And a bit of Hipstamatic, of course.
These are obvi not quality photos, but for what I need them for, I'm happy.