so far, no dice. Still want to dance around forever to it.
I'm wrapping gifts!
And making gifts! How exciting for me!
I broke my iPhone already!
By which I mean the lock button is jammed. Bruuutal. So if I pocked dial you, you'll know why. I'm going to take it in but that's where things get complex because it is not synced to any computer right now so I have no back-up so I want to back it up before I take it in but I need to install Leopard on this machine in order to sync it but I should back up my files on this machine first. OH LORD. technology!
My friend, Arrow, who is Mrs's live-in steady is going to help me with it tonight. I recently decided to call him Arrow on here. I possibly referred to him before as MP. Did I? Who knows. if so, that's boring. Arrow is way better. If you know him and can guess how I got to Arrow I'll give you a prize*. This is Arrow's website:, sometimes I am featured on it!
Went over to Arrow and Mrs's place last night and brought Flash Gordon along and we drank Sopporo and sat by their Christmas tree.
I meant to take photos of their Christmas tree for you but I forgot.
I'll try to remember on Saturday. Saturday is Mrs's annual Christmas party! Mrs. loves Christmas almost as much as me (not even close) and her party is always a highlight of the season.

See, look how happy I am at it last year?

okay, yeah, let's go ahead and repost photos from a couple of years ago, too!
that'll get us in the spirit!

the cats get bowties. everyone is fancy!

this was the year that Mrs. curled her hair and proclaimed her name was Diana.

aww this guy is totally one of my favourite people these days. Actually for years now.

this guy too. Actually this guy especially because the other night he (drunkenly) explained to me how I get better looking ever day. YOU WIN MY AFFECTIONS.

I hope we have so much fun our feet can't stay on the ground!
Also, guys, in case you were wondering. I will be celebrating both my birthday and Christmas this Sunday night at the Dakota Tavern. The Beauties will be playing and I will be dancing.
I've already invited all of you over Facebook but if I don't know you feel free to come dance creepily beside me and not introduce yourself.
Hmm. Or introduce yourself, yeah that'd be better.
Okay back to the grind (gift-making!)...
*Won't really.