There's something kind of unexpectedly nice about realizing that I don't have that many friends left in Saskatoon. There are definitely a few people who I adore and who I am going to spend time with and party with in the next week+, and there are some coming back closer to actual Christmas, but there are way fewer than there used to be. And I am less worried about the social scene or any events.

(they say that bridge there is just waiting to collapse under its own weight. You're not even allowed to walk across it anymore. I wonder if/when it will fall.)

I have been pretty much purely relaxing. Like seriously relaxing.
I know this doesn't make for that interesting of a blog but it's very fun to live.
Friday I went out with JM to the Paved art gallery party. It was the closing reception for a piece called Back and Gone by Troy Gronsdahl (also known as Soso). I went into this exhibit and I may have been like, "that's it?" but then I stood there a bit longer. I'd visit the website and read the reviews for a description of it if I were you because I am bad at describing right now.
Possibly the reaction was meant to be one of unease but I have to say that being in this little chamber viewing this piece I felt oddly reassured and a bit sad. And afterward while I was enjoying the party I grew to like the piece more.
Like I missed it.
I wish I'd gone back and looked at again on my own.
I have a hard time with viewing art. Odd, considering how so many of my friends are artists and how my mother is an artist.
There is a bit of vulnerability involved in viewing art that I'm not always capable of. A bit of quiet and contemplation which I find easy in my private life, but in social situations I have a hard time keeping still.
Relatedly, I still do not own and would like to own Soso's first album. I own the second but I feel like the first was more for me. I should get ahold of that while I'm here. Remind me.

After Paved we went up to university to the student art auction. It turned out a billion people I know were there. Of course!
I actually have several fond memories of the art auction in years past. It's a pretty great event and it involves lots of drinking.
Seeing JM was rather nice. We have such an extensive history and I still do not know how to interact with him sometimes or properly look him in the face. This is not that odd for me.
I wrote about our history in this entry from August.
JM gave me a rather lovely collection of prints he'd drawn in the form of an almost-zine as well as a CD of songs from one of his current bands which he described as "a bit annoying".
This is beyond classic JM.
He is doing quite well, he informs me. He told me a bit about his all his kinds of art work. I think it's neat when people have their hands in many different projects and different kinds of arts.

(my cousin and aunt used to live in that apartment building and for years we had Christmas partly there and we'd get this view.)

Seven years ago, JM and his jazz band at the time played my moving-away party/birthday party/slumber party at Niki's mum's house (which was empty at the time awaiting renovations) and Niki slept in JM's keyboard case.
I slept side-by-side with my crush of two years, who had unexpectedly taken me up on my party invitation.
That guy is still one of my favourite friends, actually.
Ha, that's one of the problems with me these days. I am convinced that my big crushes will become my best friends, if not my husbands. Past precedents say yes.

(Adventure Cat is the silliest, most ridiculous cat I know of.)

Anyway. Since Friday I have not done any socializing except with family. In fact, I didn't leave the house at all on Saturday. And that was just fine by me.
I hung out with my cousin and her childrens all afternoon yesterday making crafts and chatting.

(more of cousin's tree. Soon photos of our most beautiful tree ever.)
And last night I decorated the tree with my mother.
More on all of this later.
Now I'm bored of writing and I want to go eat more cookies.

(Mrs. I wish you were here, I don't know what to buy!)

I made this banner the other day. Partly kitschy, partly tasteful (almost?). I'm into it.