I honestly 100% should not be on the computer right now, I have way too much to do. For instance, this house is currently a disaster and yet I have plans that involve people coming over in about 4 hours. I've also not finished things I should have, nor have I made the food I need to make. WOW, I'm dumb!
hahahaa from SarahB:

Last night I had this nightmare that all my exes showed up at the Christmas party
Her friend made this app called Cat Paint. Best 99 cents I ever spent.
I decorated Mrs's Christmas tree:

the reindeer on the top is from real life, though.
Our friend grew some cats:

they got big!

Awww I had a really nice time at the party last night! So lovely! The best was all the good jokes that got made. But then, that's always the best. More photos later.

I premiered my Christmas dress. You're welcome for being so high-class and fancy, everyone.
Dakota tonight for dancing and celebrating my birthday and the Christmas spirit. I've gotta go dig out my sparkly eye-liner and my "it's my birthday" necklace (how many years have I worn that now? probably 5?)
Also, if given an opportunity, I highly recommend taking a few minutes to sit beside a Christmas tree and bask in its glow.