I bought myself a red pashmina because I did not believe that anyone was going to get around to giving me one for Christmas. Plus is was like $4. And if anyone gives me another red pashmina then I will wear both at once. perfect.

I made a wreath for the front door. We had lots of left over branches from sawing down the tree so it would fit on the table. Why do we put the tree on a table? So the cats don't wreck everything, of course.

The one good thing about blogs (besides free things and buds) is that you never need an excuse to take one hundred photos of yourself.

I met this babe last night who was very funny but he was way too good looking, it was kind of like a joke. I don't like it when babes are too handsome. He asked where I live and I said "Toronto" then I asked where he lives and he said "Vancouver" and I think I looked awkwardly sad as I said "that's far..."
you have no idea how I embarrass myself on a daily basis.
I tried to cover it up by being like "that's far from Saskatoon. But closer to Saskatoon than Toronto is...."
yep. that's where things got awkward.
ugh hopefully he never sees this. That's where things get reallll awkward.

to say that I'm obsessed with my hair and its colour right now would be a true statement. I know how dumb that sounds!
It's getting too annoying to think about. Stupidly annoying.
Why did they have to stop making my dye?

trying to get an accurate picture of what my hair colour is doing these days. It should be the natural colour for about an inch at the root there.
I went on a hunt to find photos of my natural hair colour. I came up with this:

hahahaaaa aww classic Meredith.
In other news, wow did my awkward phase go on forever. Like up until now.

I've been busy. Sort of. Doing a bit of decorating at least.

This decorating job is too funny to me.
Yeah I actually went out and socialized last night. Hit up both the Yard and Amigos. Classsssic Saskatoon. Only saw about 400 people that I know. I liked about 5 of them. No, maybe more. No, I just feel awkward these days.
It was nice to hang with a couple of hot ladies though, and nice to be home.
Today I pretty much finished my shopping at the mall (I kind of love the Midtown. It's a bit lovely.) after lunch with Killary. Not a bad day at all.
I guess there are lots of events this week so that'll keep me busy. holyyyy shit it's so soon until my birthday you have nooo idea.
Ohhhh yeah and I'm driving ee to PA tomorrow. That'll be a trip and half. I'm excited. Excited to thrift shop my way back. I really didn't pack enough clothes, or the right clothes, or something. I hope I find some sweet threads!!!!!