imagine if that were my natural haircolour? man, my life would be great then.

got to the airport with plenty of time (thanks, dollface!!!) but that was just fine by me. I've missed a couple of planes in my day and have no desire to repeat that experience. Plus now that I have an iphone I'm really never bored. I shot, edited, and uploaded these before I got on the plane. Which makes this quick update before crashing a lot easier.

Super over-warm feet. Kind of perfect for traveling except I shouldn't have worn such thick socks. Travel is all about comfort. I would never wear jeans on a plane. Well, I never want to wear jeans.

put some trinkets I had on some chains that I had. Always mean to do stuff never get around to it. except then sometimes I do.

Last night I had nachos and beer with Violet then went and walked the dog then came home to pack and clean but right when I got home I started feeling super ill.
I'm not a barfer, really, unless it's a hangover and even then not that often. I didnt actually yak but I thought I was going to for a couple of hours there. I ended up just going to bed because I wasn't getting anything done on account of feeling too sick.
Luckily I got most things done this morning, though I did forget a couple of things and I really didn't clean up in the way that I wanted to.
hey, at least I took out the organics and the garbage. Main priority.
It was nice to see Violet, though. Imagine being a lawyer? I can't.

Anyway, I'm here now. Settling in. I realized I've packed virtually all red and green clothes.. so.. that's something.

hoping to strike a perfect balance between relaxing, family, crafting, bffs, light partying, and christmas spirit forever.