I worked every day last week. I work very, very few days this week. That is mostly alright because I definitely need to get stuff done still. I'm looking forward to crafting to the moon all week. Joiners?

I've been partying, also. No one is surprised. I've been wearing red lipstick. That's new. New-ish.

Pls don't tell Dollface I borrowed her scarf. Just kidding, I'll bring it back Doll, don't worry. I borrowed Doll's jeans last week and wore them out with heels. Then I wore heels and jeans again the next night.
I never, ever wear jeans! I usually hate them and I'm back to hating them again this week but for a brief moment there we were bffs.
I'd really like to get a pair of yoga jeans. Giftsies?

Hmmmm. I think I'm depressed. I don't know if I'm depressed because of my bender or if the bender is a result of being depressed. It's the weather, I know I know.
It's all okay.
I had a bit of a melt-down last night (and this afternoon, yikes) over Christmas. Already!
As much as I love Christmas (because of it?) it stresses me out so badly.
And I just hate when people try to change my traditions.
I know that in the spirit of Christmas I should be open and giving and inclusive and find the joy in all the little things. But that's not always easy.
I tried to write it out but that's just making me feel worse. The problem with being selfish about something is that it's a lonely upset because no one will even back me up on it plus I know how stupid I'm being.
But I'm also upset that my aunt has to work on my birthday (christmas eve) and won't be able to come to my dinner, that's something fair to be upset about.
And I'm upset that my 19 year old brother is bringing his girlfriend to Christmas and going to be away at her Christmas for part of it, meanwhile I've never once had any boyfriend that I brought to meet my family. Not that I'm sure a relationship is what I'm after right now, but something about turning 27 and having never had a mature adult relationship is worrying.
And I feel lonely and jealous when I think of other people's partnerships. Sometimes. Around Christmas mostly.
Though, from blog late-November last year:
"26 is a funny number, it doesn't seem that appealing for some reason. It's 27 I'm really looking forward to, but who knows why..."
27 better not fucking disappoint.
Man, my family is utterly tired of me throwing fits around the holidays. The stress of coming home to Saskatoon (the drama that goes along with it, the heartbreak of coming and going) is compounded with trying to enjoy my ultimate favourite thing. It gets overwhelming sometimes.
This year nothing is going to be the best. Hahahaaa awww wow, I'm pathetic.
Look, it snowed here, finally:

So that's good. Plus I've been doing a lot of stamping. Or practicing a lot, at least.

Niki gave me a gift card to The Paper Place awhile back and I bought a stamp-making kit and only yesterday did I get around to giving it a whirl.
Made three so far!

I'm pretty pleased with the results. It's extra-special to be able to stamp shit with stamps I designed myself. Crafty x 100. Though I do love the store-bought ones I picked out too.
Thanks, Niki!

I don't know how I'll decide which cards to use I'm making so many different kinds! It's hard to decide on just one theme or colour scheme for wrapping also...
I'm thinking of having people over on Sunday to celebrate my day of birth (early because I'll be in Saskatoon obvi for the actual day).... Yes?