Here are some photos from when Boys Who Say No played Saskatoon while I was home and I brought Carlos and some other friends to go see them and then they didn't have anywhere officially to stay so they ended up staying in Carlos's sweet basement.

I went back and partied with them until way late and the van ride over was probably the funnest part. Although, probably the most dangerous as it had more drunk people yelling in a confined space than really seems like a good idea.

There was lots of yelling about Captain and Tenille! I don't know why. I do know that I wanted to keep that sailor hat pretty badly.

Sweet van, sweet hats and things in the van, also. Lots of decorations.


Thank god Carlos is such a good sport and so friendly. It was super nice of her to invite those guys to crash. I would have except my mum's house is so small you have no idea. Seriously small.

haha being a creeper in the hats is the best

I kind of wish I got to go on tour. Except I also hate people and like time by myself. I would, however, like a boyfriend who goes on tour because I hate people and I like time by myself. Hahaha boyfriend.

This picture just seriously murders me. Too funny to handle.

Oh yeah before that they played some music. Amigos was super dead as it was a Monday night plus shitty weather plus plus but I still had a time and some good drinks and so on. I think those guys were very pleased I came to the show, they better have been!

I like them all, they're pretty entertaining. Except the one who is my enemy. I do not remember when/why we decided to become enemies but it has served me well. Yelling about being enemies is a fun passtime.

Okay rest of pictures from that laaaaaaaaater. I'm going on break to sit in Bellwoods for awhile with some people.
Also, guys, I just finished writing my first official short film. Why haven't I always written shorts? If I decided to only write shorts and not fucking features or fucking tv shows then my life would be a lot easier. Just kidding, still hard. (haha that's what he said)
It's good to have encouragement, that's what makes me get around to actually getting anything done. Expectation and encouragement. These days I have great people around that actually want to work with me and I need to be taking way more advantage of that.
I stayed up until 5 a.m. because I finally found a sweet spot in terms of getting things done. I considered going to sleep a few times before then but, man, I stay up til 5 in the morning for make-outs with babes I'm not even into and parties I don't even remember, why shouldn't I stay up til 5 for something important (to me).
Wow, I sound like a nutjob, always, hey? Classsssssy. PARK PARK PARK PARK PARK.