Going to brunch with Violet in approximately one minute so I don't have much time!!

Here are the first pictures from cottage friendship retreat weekend for you, though. Such a lovely lovely time and I have a few battle scars (scrapes on my wrists and toes from the zebra shells in the lake and a blister from hot marshmallow on my finger).

I can't even handle looking at my cottage bed right now it just makes me too jealous of my past self. Past self was so lucky!
Luckily I fully enjoyed it and reveled in it while I was there. I couldn't walk into my room to get something without stopping to have a giant sigh and possibly lie down for a minute or two...

I generally sleep like a log but I slept even better than a log except the sun rose and shone right on my face before six a.m. and each morning I woke up when that happened, had some water and then snuggled back down and slept a few more hours.

Sure, Day and Dollface made fun of me for how long it took me to pick out my sheets and pillowcases but it was totally worth it. Creating decadence around oneself is worth effort for certain.

Dollface room. So pink and warm!

Day's room,

little boy sheets!