urugh I got a sunburn on my nose which serves me right as I am not very smart at all and for some reason I decided that sunburns only happen when I'm sitting still in the sun. Not so!
I forgot to put on sunscreen this morning and I was biking around soooo much all day and walking around and all that.
Also, I just got my hair done and it's a quite dark shade of bright red and now my nose matches most perfectly!

Bee and I sincerely meant to go to the island this afternoon and it just never quite happened. I cannot function in this heat! Plus I had some important appointments and Bee had some important meeting and then we just ended up lying around in Bellwoods for about a year.
I don't even really regret not going to the island because I am still lethargic and lazy and a bit irritable.
Plus I was just there, really (as evidenced in these photos).

oh so classic classic!

Okay actually, now that I look at these photos I do kind of regret not-going.

Ha, Violet hates ducks. I was pretty impressed with how close this one duck was getting and Violet was like "ew"
hahaaaaaa it seems like something that she wouldn't hate but then there it is, that's what I like about people. How everyone is a nutjob in their own special way.

Today is my friend's birthday. I don't believe that he has his own nickname on here so I will try to figure one out for him today to honor him properly.
I made him a card with a picture of a truck on it.
Man, I hope he doesn't read this before I get over to his house to give it to him.
Fleet Foxes, hey? I'm very late to this bandwagon but preeeetty good.