Are they offensive? I can't tell..
anyway, my favourite of these has always been:
What do you call a man with no arms and no legs in a pile of leaves?
My aunt posted a good one the other day:
What do you call a man with no arms and no legs at the running of the bulls?
And then the other night at work I was very bored and made up several more of them (some more obvious than others, obvi!)
sooooo.. here ya go:
What do you call a man with no arms and no legs on the floor?
Matt. (obviously, I know, I know)
What do you call a man with no arms and no legs in piles of money?

What do you call a man with no arms and no legs on the tilt-a-whirl?

What do you call a man with no arms and no legs in the mail?

and my favourite:
What do you call a man with no arms and no legs in a cage full of lions?

ughhh I had a whole flipping list of them but then I forgot it at my stand at work and forgot to check later if it was still there. I might check later if I remember.
I hope whoever found it was appropriately amused.
and I hope they were impressed also by some MCDA lyrics I was working very hard on...
Guys, I like my mum a lot.

two new reasons why I like my mum:
a) she admitted to being easily swayed as well (one of my most annoying qualities), "That's why I don't like to get into arguments because I know I'm right but I don't want to have to defend it"
ahahah classic me as well.
b) she is very kind and also nice but a bit secretly snarky but probably no one gets to see that as much as me which makes it way more endearing and she obviously feels embarrassed but I can tell that she has something negative to say when she gets a bit awkward and then looks away and then starts out with "you know I'm a nice person and would never say anything mean, but......"


I love that little church we hang out in. We told Carlos, "this is the empty open church we go to sing songs in" and we didn't disappoint.
We sang Christmas carols because we don't know any other hymns, obviously. I am not a terrible singer, just not that good. Mum is slightly better than me. We love singing. I lovvvvve singing. I sang for years in my little car at home.
I want to take Mrs. to that church because it is a Ukrainian church and Mrs. is Ukrainian. Or so she claims!
I have never been to The Ukraine.
Saskatchewan is so lovely (better than The Ukraine).

Thanks to the heavens that I am going back in only about 6 or 7 weeks because it made leaving a whole lot easier, I'll tell ya that for free!
(In case you were wondering and judging me, I know that it's "Ukraine" not "The Ukraine", I'm only doing it because Mrs. never comments on my entries despite how this is basically a blog about her and I'm trying to annoy her!!! for fun and jokes!!)