Here's the rest of the picture from hanging out with boys who say no.

This one is the one who is my enemy. Remember when he was on Degrassi? Haa probably blogging that will make him my enemy for real.

Oh well, he deserves it because he got into my timer shots even when I told him not to!

See? I am telling him off.

He was actually probably better at the timer shots than me. Hmmm.

The one on the left was in the gum commercial with me. He is a very good theatre actor. He reminds me a lot of one of my old best friends and so I just interact with him like he's familiar even though he's really not. Super nice guy, though.Too bad he didn't fall in love with me in real life like in the commercial that would be super funny. I only do anything for jokes.

Aww he wasn't sad, I don't think? Maybe he was. Maybe he got tired of being called Tenille and being yelled at while driving us?

Oh yeah, the guy in the middle runs Whippersnapper Gallery which has been such a great art and music space for the last 5 years and now will be closing its doors. Kinda sad, but also so wonderful what he's done there.
They're having a funeral/good-bye party on July 29th, dress to express your sorrow and drown your sadness in alcohol. Should be fun? 587A College Street.
I wonder how the rest of their tour was.

Yeah so, break in the park yesterday turned into a full-on party hang until 1 a.m.
I knew that would happen! Damn! But it was also totally great. And I've been in such a bad mood the past few days that when I'm feeling alright I tend to kinda want to just go with it, ya know??
Ended up going to Lakeview Lunch after park for drinks and fries. They had caesars on special but they wouldn't let me have a bloody mary on special! What the fuck is that, Lakeview? Stuuupid, it's basically the same drink and isn't tomato juice cheaper than clamato?
Also, they didn't have any beers I could have and they don't have Strongbow anymore. LAAAAAAAAME.
I had some shitty white wine.
Then for some reason I went to Ronnie's with the gang even though I totally meant to go home. Whoooops. Ran into some other friends, though, and it was very fun. I don't even really regret not coming home earlier to clean and work.
Well, kinda.

Working Bon Jovi now. Have a feeling it's going to be a gong show. Just a sneaking suspicion.