Lemony fresh laundry is delicious except it's hot up here and the hot laundry isn't as appealing to lie in. Win some, lose some!!
holy shit that tomato sandwich I just ate was so good. I can't believe I resisted making a second one. Laaater.
Okay, last night I went to the Whippersnapper closing party funeral thing and it was very fun.
Day was covering it for BlogTO so she took a bunch of pictures, I hope that I get to see/steal those photos as well. I stole these two off facebook. I feel that the rule is, if I am tagged in it, I get to use it. Right?
Yeah Whippersnapper was sweaty as all fuck and I got stupidly drunk (I've decided that I either have to give up eating or drinking to lose weight guess which one I chose. JUST KIDDING, MOTHER.) and only danced a little bit it was so packed. I prefer dancing when it's medium-busy and then I can really giver, ya know?
Boys Who Say No played and they said, Remember when we partied in Saskatoon, that was so fun! and I said, I remember how we had all the good times!
I haven't even had any coffee today. Although I am drinking black iced tea/lemonade and it's the best.
I am working all through this long weekend but that's okay I need the money plus I've already been vacationing all through life 'cause I'm lucky like that. IT'S LIKE THAT AND THAT'S THE WAY IT IS.
sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me.
I hung around with Violet all day yesterday and then I ended up meeting up with her on Dundas at 1 a.m. and going to Press Club to meet up with Noodle and some other babes.
When Violet and Noodle got introduced they had to clarify who they were on my blog to better understand each other and Noodle said 'I'M NOODLE!' and I laughed and laughed. Especially because Noodle chose her own nickname for certain.
Here she is with her best friend who is in town from Vancouver,

I know I know terrible pictures, whatever. I was drunk plus I ate some of that weed brownie because I wanted brownie (not supposed to have brownie) and I felt like the weed wouldn't effect me. Wrong again!

Ewww I don't want to go to work last night. I dreamt last night that I skipped it.
I also had two individual dreams about making out with a big crush of mine and in the dream it was way dreamier than real life, but possibly because I wasn't as nervous as real life oh and because in the dream he was nice. HAHAAAAAAHAHAH.
Here I am looking appealing:

haaa lordy lordy punch me in the jaw already

or don't!