The red bull from the Red Bull restaurant in Radisson. Radisson is where you turn off to go to Redberry Lake. Redberry Lake is my lake.
At the Red Bull we bought those peanut butter marshmallow squares that are the besssst ever. I should just make some. If I didn't have to go to work right now I would. Certainly.


Carlos is so cute! Like a dreamboat...

Oh yeah yeah yeah I'm back in Toronto and WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH THIS HEAT??
I just don't like it I don't find it funny anymore, it's not great it's just stupid now.
if I didn't have AC I would probably want to die right now.
But I just had delicious nutritious brunch at Aunties and Uncles with my pals and so I'm still happy to be back.
Also Noodle, Niki and Cpt. Heh picked me up at the airport and Niki made a feast and sangria and we went to the park and Niki and I stayed there talking until probably after 4 in the morning but it was still hot out.
And last night Noodle and I went to Camp 4 which was SO HOT in a technically hot way and there were allllll these good-looking sweaty people, especially men with tattoos and sexy ladies wearing little clothing. It was so hot it felt like a sauna or a joke but it was almost okay if you had a pint of ice-water to put against your wrists to cool the blood a bit plus everyone all melty and sexy like that is pretty appealing?
Summer has pretty much gotten all up my heartbeat and I'm eying up the city and wanting to press my forehead against your back and wanting to hold hands with everyone for a year.