
still waiting on my witch powers

Remember how yesterday it was so warm and fresh and spring all over?
And today is steadily getting colder and is damp and wintery? Gross.

Remember how talking about the weather is a super interesting topic and it's a really good thing I have a blog?

It should be illegal how much my mood is effected by the weather.
Luckily in a minute here my laundry will be done and I'm going to go hang out with the dog down at the lake and then pick up some groceries and then later Nic is coming over to talk about our lives and plans and stuff, and then after that I am hopefully going HOT-TUBBING (if this falls through I will be murderously upset, jfyi guys good now we're clear).

#bedside (sort of)

I thought I'd be real good at the march photo a day challenge but it turns out I'm just not good at getting around to things! So I'll be a part-time photo-a-day-er.


this is obviously something I think is good. It's also obviously so good.

aaaaaaand this:

Out on my little balcony yesterday afternoon. I'm also drinking a really delicious smoothie here (just frozen peaches and strawberries with soy milk. thick like ice cream almost). Nice life, guy!

Yulie's back in town! She's not living with us anymore, she's moved in with her BF a few streets over. But I'm still very glad. I just love her. Probably best she's not living with me so I can't be mean to her. She's so earnest and warm. Good, good news.

I got called out by Nic the other day for being a bad worker. This is my main classic move. Not being good at working. I don't like to try for fear of failing. Guess where that's gotten me!
But also, I'm having troubles, comedy-wise, because I'm not sure I understand it all yet. Ha, obviously! What I mean, though, is that I don't know why I appreciate the things I do. I don't know how to turn a funny moment I enjoyed into a polished joke/bit/scene/etc.
I need a lot more work, but also probably a lot more guidance and I'm going to have to learn what I need and how to ask for it. Hmmmmmmm.

Just thinking about things, just thinking about it.