
beach beers in mid-march

here is a new video I made where I talk about my last name and my surname plans in the future of my life.

I have a weird thing about Dairy Queen Blizzards where I basically won't eat them unless they have my kind. Except my order is obnoxious: smartie blizzard but instead of chocolate syrup I want mint syrup and then I want to pay to get extra skor bits added in.
I have been to known, in the past, to literally walk out of Dairy Queen if this is not available for me.

also good is eating ice cream and drinking beers on a "beach" by the lake in the middle of March. It was a bit chilly, I'll admit, but so sunny and nice and there were so many dogs playing and families hanging out.
Spring, man.

oh good, let's take pictures of each other with our phones. classic, classic.
Hey, that's one of the ten million places I work right behind there. Baseball again, soon.

I don't think I'm responsible enough to have long hairs. Every day is a new awful tangle. This summer is going to be the worst. I need someone to follow me around and brush my hair for me.

Late late nights, guys, party 'til dawn
kids forever kids forever and ever party to the moon cheers for fears

summer summer summer, man.

I'm going to go walk to work right away here and it's 18 degrees outside so... life is pretty alright.

After beach beers I took the dog to the park for awhile, then met Carla Ghee and Norman and co. at Squirley's for patio hang-times, then went to see that new Will Ferrell movie with Nicole, then hung out with Nicole at mine and made a stirfry and drank gin.

I'm making up for it today by hanging out solo all day and doing some laundry and maybe some cleaning in a minute here... I should make soup.
Work tonight and then Rap Battlez with some of my favourite people and everything is looking up, guys!

this face!

If you haven't voted for Cheryl Hann (from picnicface!) to go into space then I would very much suggest you do so. I have never heard anyone be so excited about anything. And I like people who excited. Especially excited for space adventures. You can click that vote button 10 times a day, apparently!