My new improv team (which I am beyond over the moon about), WHITE PANTHER GIRLFRIEND, will be having our very very first show on Sunday March 25th at 8p.m. as part of Unit 102's Sex Dungeon improv nights. If you consider yourself my friend I would challenge you to attend this show.

No, but if you are my real live friend from real life who wants to still be my friend in the future,
we have the official dates for our second city conservatory grad show:
Saturday June 16th in the afternoon
Thursday July 5th at 10:30
so put that in your calendars, thank you very much

I got another job (now I have seventeen, approximately) working in the office of a local theatre and rental space and I'm pretty into the idea of working in an office and being office-y. I can make almost anything a party/event in my mind. Wonder how long my office enthusiasm will last!
I really just like being able to wear my own clothes. Take that, black pants!!

I bought different gluten-free bread because it was on sale but it's kind of powdery not the best.

looks so good, though

this is how most of my afternoons are spent, watching my roommate do tricks with his cats.
I've honestly never met cats as obsessed with their owner... and viceversa, actually.

this guy is my favourite when he's drunk or when he's doing impression of what improv is like.

big plans, big plans, guys. big big big life happening all around, ya know what I'm saying? #spring