whoa, talk about self-obsession! I just got sucked into a vortex of looking back at my own facebook photos and reading back entries from private blog! (new private blog entries, just fyi those in the loop only)
My life looks very fun to me from an internet perspective. Just kidding, it's fun IRL. except with more tv watching.

Look how fun, I have a bit of a lap-cat these days.

look I have a Hoops throne, I'm the queen of Hoops. Last night a whole whack of people who work at the acc were there coincidentally as well. pretty fun and funny! So many people at hooooooops.
one of the dudes we were with is like a theatre reviewer or some business and the careful way he formed his mouth around the word "hoops" was just killer. just right on.
I wonder when Nicole wants to come over to watch Laugh-In with me. I've been thinking about it so much lately.
after Hoops:

norman's so cray cray for cola!
(carla ghee obvi into big wieners)
(p.s. - nice job, Canucks!)
Oh look, it's my old pal, dan griffin who came to visit me at the stadium the other night. He was not there to see a hockey game with his mother, he was only there to visit me. how nice! I don't know if I've pressed this issue yet but his entire CD is available for download for free at the just mentioned link. It is very, very good. Like before I knew dg irl I loved his music. It is just lovely.
Here's a gem for ya, as well, while we're catching up. I had dinner with my bud the other night and I decided he has too bad of ADD to not have an activity to do at all times so I let him draw in my notebook. I'm really glad I did. Pretty good likeness of me, I'd say.

I'm trying to actually do the March photo a day challenge on instagram (<3 instagram still so much) so get ready for random shots of things like "fruit" and "up"

oh I AM sorry, you little brats! haaaa I cuddled them so hard they got up and left.

I've got this red haircolour that's just like a rinse. Just kind of evens it out for auditions. not bad not bad. good to know, you were wondering.
guys. I gotta go to work tonight. but first hangtimes with tha dog. and after it's hangtimes with MANTOWN. mostly excited for the sparklers. ohh, and the men.