Do you ever wonder if things happen for a reason?
I wonder about it a lot, not that I think it's necessarily true, but I do wonder about it.

I wonder about why I decided to move when I did. I love living in Ossington Dreamhome. I'm surprised by how hard I find it, and in what ways, and I'm not planning on living here for my whole life, but it is very good for me right now, I think.
And it's changed my life in a lot of good ways, and my attitude maybe.

I wonder a lot about deciding to audition for the Second City conservatory when I did. I'd heard about the program before and considered applying but never got around to it. And now I'm in this class with some of the best little buds I've met. Our class has been referred to as "an embarrassment of riches". We are a great group. A surprising percentage of us are serious about comedy and prioritize it. And all of us have different things to bring and are hilarious in our own ways.
It's remarkable.
And now, starting this improv dream team... I wonder at how I've gotten so lucky.
Seriously. I am so excited for the possibilities with this team. We are so well-matched I think and each of us are such exciting performers. Like the potential with this group is just... overwhelming.
Ha, to me at least!
(little bit biased. not biased.)

here's a terrible beautiful photo of my teammates! such beauties. I don't know why Peevy's having a little smiling siesta, but it's his padded elevator so I guess he does what he wants. Mo-dav's face is a bit broken.

this is the view from Violet's balcony. I've (we've?) been making more efforts to hang out and that is just another way in which I feel outrageously lucky.
Life, guys, this particular life. So wonderful, so difficult.
Sometimes I think about spring and summer and warm sunlight and it starts to hurt I want it so bad.
This time of year is always hard on us.