My stomach is upset. Which I blame on Hoops. Obviously. And my other favourite bar which I'm going to stop naming it proper instead I will refer to it as The Dot. Because it is my favourite place to get locked-in to (in Britain this is what they call drinking after-hours, being a lock-in.)
It is my favourite passtime.
I left the dot last night at reg closing time and everyone was like "where are you going?" haahaaa classic.
Actually last night was a good indicator of my life lately. Work, Hoops, Dot, groceries at Metro at 3 a.m.
Pretty perfect.

I can say with certainty that I have crushes on pretty much everyone I hang out with at the dot.
This is kind of lovely. And not my fault because everyone is great. And babely. Why do babes travel in packs? Split yourselves up so I don't look so fickle, hey?
My bartender-friend is super lovely. He will be called Fisherman. Why? Because he looks like one. Obviously. He also has a sweet beard.
Actually he kind of looks like a voyageur. Voyageur/lumberjack/fisherman, which is funny considering how he is actually kind of big baby. hahahaaawwwwwww adorable!
Fisher told me that I was being very funny the other night. I know it took me ten minutes to order a drink and that I kept going on about how I am allergic to gluten and diiiicks, and I told them all about how I won all the Junos. So, he's probably. Favourite compliment.
I'll take more pictures of him later for you.
Aww man, I'm supposed to go to the dot tonight again with Prune. Hopefully all of my crushes will be there!
haaa our one friend there let it slip to me that he has a boat and now all I refer to him as is "BOAT"
"I can't hear you over how much I'm thinking about your boat"
"Look, I like you and everything, but please draw me a sketch of me hanging out on your boat"
"Is your boat excited to meet me?"
"How boat are boat boat boat in the boat after boat and boat-boat"
I think Boat's pretty excited that I'm his new friend.

Carla Ghee had been at Hoops with me earlier (see first photo for evidence!!) and then she turned up at Dot with babe in arm. And by babe in arm I mean babe on arm. Carla Ghee and I like two things very much in common:
1. TEQUILA. (though I like mine with tonic, there it's your new favourite drink, you're welcome)
we also like other things the same but those two are tops. And hoops, and ghosts that say "heyyyy" and norman.
Carla Ghee and I tipped over backwards upside down on our barstools which is totally couth and proper bar etiquetter.
I would know because I know bars. Also, I think it impressed all the babes how flexible we are.
And now my back hurts!

I tried on some random guy's glasses. They looked small-ish on his face. Not so on my gremlin-mug. My vintage frames looked very sweet on him. Too bad no photo.

I have a really good ponytail today. it was better before but it is still alright now. And I did a good audition. Whatever, I didn't even have to say any words so it wasn't terribly difficult. Too bad because MAN am I good at saying words. You have no idea how many words I've said in my day.

Haa last night at work I was feeling particularly jovial and good-natured and I was joking with customers (I am amazing at joking with customers when I am in a good mood. Like sick-good at making obvious, old-man jokes with them, but in a cute way. When I am in this good mood, I make the most money. I wish I could bottle this mood.) and this older man cackle-laughed right when I cackle-laughed about our shared joke and it surprised both of us a little bit I think which made us laugh harder.
That sort of thing makes my life, ya know?

oh yeah, so I've been developing this terrible cackle-laugh for probably a year and half. I like it because it terribly rude/jarring/funny/off-putting/ugly. I find that sort of thing hilarious.
Unfortunately it is now pretty much my reg laugh. siigh.
This replaces my old gaspy-squeal unable-to-breathe laugh which I was prone to in the past. Actually, this still happens mostly only when Niki's around though. I think I've laughed harder/more with Niki than I have with anyone ever. I think Niki laughs more than anyone though. And usually it's at you!

I've been trying lately to develop a soft and lovely sexy tinkle-jingle trill of an amused giggle but it's not going as well as it could. Give it time though, I believe in me!

Yeah so I was thinking about applying for a job at Hoops, which would probably be AWESOME. except it would also probably be awful. Imagine if I grew to hate Hoops? That'd be the worst. I love it there.
Also last night I for some reason decided to show off all my awesome dance moves so I'm pretty sure they don't want me anyway!
Their fault for having WHAT IS LOVE? by haddaway. ahhaahaaa DanceMix.
Also, yes, I danced just like Ricky:
such sweet moves.

this cat likes to be spooned in my arms. She waits beside my head for me to wake up. Sometimes flops down onto my face. cool!

I think I'd make a cute boy. Just saying.
I didnotdidnotdidnot want to get up this morning but I got up and got going and did my make up and everything like a responsible person. You're proud of me, I can tell.
This meant that I deserved the tulips and latte I got on my way home this afternoon.

The tulips are inspiration to clean up my apartment more (I did a solid bit on it yesterday when I was in an awesome mood for no reason!)... we'll see if that happens. They are a lovely light purple.
Life is great because it's sunny out, the window is wide open, and the cat is all warm and cuddly from sleeping in the sun.