"next time you see me, give me a glass of water and a punch in the chin" - friend who went out drinking more without me last night at 2:45
I'm going to call that friend Firehorse. Why? because.
He is one of the band of pals who are being the ultimate worst influences on me these days. And me on them. the problem is that at least one of us will want to go out. which means we convince the others. It's bad. it's pretty bad.
okay we're going to cool it. soon.
Next week I have no work so maybe I will cocoon and work hard by myself? That seems likely!
more random photos from recently:

looks like toys! little tiny fun toys!

Archie face! Sooooo cute. Am I a dog person now? (not really.)

hooooooooooooooooops (hoops is ruining our lives. we love it there. We seriously cannot get enough of that shit.)

coffee with sarahb. guess what we talked about?

it's light out all the time now.
Actually I'm going to go out right now, and it's getting sunnier and sunnier and weathernetwork is promising me +9 at 5 p.m! sprrrrrrring ssspring!
Going over to bdwf's to organize his tax shit. Hahahahaaaaa! I'll do anything for money. Well not quite. HJs only. ahahaaha when has an hj not been awkward?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry family.
maybe bdwf will be down for going outside at 5 p.m. to check if it's +9 or not.
this actually kills me. it's amazing. his face is amazing.
Sara Hennessy has a new webseries!
"Sara Gets Spontaneous and Mysterious" from Sara Hennessey on Vimeo.
So good! And featuring some of the funniest babes/babettes around!
Obviously now I am called to action even moreso for making my own damn webseries. Actually watch this though because I like it. And go to the website for the next episodes.
What the fud? from Philipp G. Berg on Vimeo.
sorry, but it is.
I found this so funny that even though I watched it very drunk at 3 a.m. when someone posted it on facebook I still woke up laughing about it.
Beat that.
dudes, guys, wish me luck on staying in tonight, hey?
And anyone who wants to come see New Year tomorrow with us, hit me up. Supporting local films made by our buds! hurrah!