ever just hang out with your fam and put your hands on your faces? We do!
there was almost certainly a lot of bossing going on before this photo was taken.

bet my mum wishes she didn't have such blurry children. haahaaa ugh, sorry. terrible joke.
My bro's been bugging me to post these photos for awhile and since I'm SUCH A GOOD SISTER I'm finally getting around to it. You're welcome, brother mistletoe.

People really like my mum. I don't know why. Except she's probably the kindest. Oh, we've been over this before? Well neverrrr mind, then.
E and I both kind of look like her and like each other. We have different biodads, though so it's okay if we're not like twinners or something. I'd like to see E's biodad, that'd be a trip.
Also, my biodad, obvi.

No, really, guys. Menu time.
Sorry for not photographing other people at this table. Well, at least we got some family portraits done.
I like Las Palapas. I miss Saskatoon. Always this time of year I miss Saskatoon. I kind of think I will only be able to afford to once this year. Via has last minute fares that are only like $150 right now. I wish.



fucking nailed the landing.
hahaha gremlin face on me, hey!
I've had a fucking craving and a half for that weird do-it-yourself soup I get at Las Palapas. Anyone know what that shit's called? I tried to make something like it... it was just alright.

Goddamn, I am one fine specimen. Where did they find the sperm donor to make such a lovely and delicate flower of a lady?
Haa, E looks rather handsome here, too bad about me ruining this photo.
Yeah so I'm home again. Alone. Again.
Not spending money, not socializing. I spent noooo money today. Beat that. Not even a coffee or anything.
I get busy starting this weekend basically, start having a lot more shifts and making money money money.
Remind me that I need to not go out as much, still. And that I need to start using my dollars to pay my bills and act like an adult and shit.
No, don't remind me. I'll only want to punch you.
Clothing swap at Russet & Empire tomorrow! I am excited for new clothes and wine and new buds. All of that!
And clothing swaps have definitely been saving me in these frugal times. I think half my wardrobe now is swapped. Amazing.
Let me know if you want to come along, obviously.
In other news:

Mini-flask necklaces!

I've had questions on where/how to get these and for how much, etc.
The young ladies pulling cans of PBR out of their bags in the bar washroom were very impressed by them! Plus, it's the one gift I've gotten Dollface that she has truly appreciated. Hahaaa.

I was considering making an etsy page but I don't really want to give them a percentage. How about if you just tell me if you want one and I'll make it happen?

$25/two (great gifts!)
$5/shipping (Canada and U.S.)
less if you need, 20 if you're rich. (I don't know anyone rich now that I think of it.)
plus if you're a bud, it'll come pre-filled. haahaaa so handy. and if you live/work anywhere within a reasonable distance of me, I'll deliver it. I mean, I don't have anything else to do, really.

The blue one in the middle there, that's my favourite. I can't deal with how much I like that pattern. I made two. One for me, one for you.

Okay. So buy one. I can do special requests in terms of the paper that covers them, also. If you have ideas, let me know.