I have a really fucking shitty cold that's fucking up my head right now! I just finally gave up and took some drugs. I sneeze and sneeze and sneeze and my eyes they water and my head it hurts. Dislike! I'm hoping the drugs clear me out for a bit so I can get something done.
Just kidding, I'm productive. Medium productive.
I went to the mall today! I always forget about malls in Toronto. Saskatoon has lots of malls that I go to. I like going to the mall! mostly because I don't have to work in one, probably. Nor do I have to go to them ever.
Malls are good because they have lots of different things in them. I got a couple of headshots printed off. Don't tell my mother but I got them done at walmart. Not my fault, I can only afford to print off a couple at the cheapest rate, so walmart was my best choice. sighhhh.
I decided to take the overwhelming votes for #1 headshot as the one, and I even put my name on it like a real life actor.

I like it. I'm into it. I'm ready to get on with being the best ever actor around.
I saw at least 6 robins today. Plus probably some people whose names were Robin but I didn't know so let's call it 12.
I saw the supermoon the other night but not until it looked just reg.
I worked several days in a row and now I have no work for several days. When April gets here it'll be alright. Fingers crossed. That's what I say every year.
I hate when news anchors excuse their terrible jokes by saying something along the lines of "I just had to...".
haaaaa I think I might be in a temper.
I want to go out for beers and nachos!! I wish I were at Hoops!
Norman and Firehorse are texting me from Sneaky Dee's!! ugh! ugh!
I went out on the town pretty much every day for the last two weeks so now I am on a self-enforced break from socializing.
It's hard because Norman keeps texting me and lots of other people are doing very fun people without me. I know I know, so much to complain about in my life.
I'm not kidding around on this one. Do you laugh til you fall over every night? Several times a night? and not just because you've been drinking?

(the floor at the ossington. I like this grate.)
Carla Ghee, Firehorse, Norman, and I have been an almighty team lately in the biggest party way (they actually party (drink) way more than I can). And they are so stupidly, wonderfully funny that I almost can't bear it sometimes.
I wish I could go back in time to tell teenage me that don't worry about not having friends then because at 27 I'll look around and see that somehow I've managed to amass some of the most wonderful people in the world to hang out with.
Am I hormonal? maybe.
I don't mean just Carla Ghee, Firehorse, and Norman. I mean, it's stupid how many people I want to be hanging out with right now. You know what it takes for me to turn down a funtime? A LOT.

I ate an apple on St. Patrick's at the ossington. I was not really feeling the funtime then. I pretty much played out my party streak. I liked that apple, though.
I went home before last call and was sober enough to read my book for awhile
(Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami, which I've owned from a clothing swap for probably two years and am only getting to now and guess what? It's so great!!)
It's not that I'm not enjoying this alone time. To the contrary, I'm catching up on Boardwalk Empire and movies, taking care of business, reorganizing, covering more mini-flasks (more on that tomorrow, hopefully!), doing some sewing and mending, cooking and cooking and cooking and eeeaaattting.

I made pancakes several times this week. This one rice flour variety I have is really only good for pancakes. But it is f-ing good. Kingsmill or something. Anyway.

I ate so many flipping pancakes. I wish I had more of that flour then I'd eat some more. Not joking. I'm hungry. Not actually hungry, just bored.

Fucking nice plate Dollface gave me, also. Sturdy and huge. Perfect for pancakes.

Anyway. we went out. every day. Carla Ghee has been waiting for me to post pictures of our adventures. Carla Ghee can party anyone under the table. She can dance to dubstep until 5 a.m. I don't know how. She is a bad (good) influence. She suggested day drinking on St. Pat's and I suggested Bloody Marys so that it looked socially acceptable. We are geniuses.

She is also very beautiful and snags lotsa babes.

One time we found a tub on the sidewalk and we put it down and got in and then a ghost came

and the ghost was like "hhheeeyyyyyy"

but super quiet so no one heard it.

maybe it was the ghost who also pulled the door off the washroom at the bar. Which bar?
I'm confused because we don't seem to be at Hoops in these photos.

I love Hoops. I think I like Hoops better than I like any other bar right now. It may have started as a joke but now I love it.
I love the bartenders and I love sitting at the bar and we had really good fajitas the other night and I like all the tvs kind of. I mostly love the staff. And being a regular there. Where else can you be a good regular? And not care what you look like?
Our favourite bartender got the scoop on my Hoops crush for me.
Salt and pepper, almost
reddish beard
plaid rolled-up sleeves
faded tattoos
Turns out he's a chef, though.
I do not want a chef boyfriend. I mean, he can still be my Hoops crush and since I'm into sowing my wild oats (mum cringe) then who cares.
but if I did care, I would care about him being a chef. you know what chefs like? meat. and gluten, almost certainly.
You know what's the best about crushes when you're pretty sure you're not looking to be tied down?
Nothing about the babes matters. I mean, the basics, sort of.
But anything else? Not a big deal.
Differing religious beliefs?
Leafs fan?
Hates cats?
Bad shoes?
Catholic guilt?
High all the time?
Doesn't matter! At all! No one cares!

this is what the window at my house looks like. I am upstairs, working away. Or at least eating and watching tv. Yes, I still have a wreath in my window. Obviously.