here are some pictures I took of Prune a few years ago. On film, even.
I used to be a pretty good photographer. Until digital came into my life.

Prune-earnest-face is one of my favourite things.
I did not take any photos at dot last night, which is a bit too bad since one dude had a broken nose real bad, I should have documented it better.
Fisher said "you said I was a bit of a baby!" and I laughed.
Here are pictures Prune took of me on that same day:

Whoa, highlights, hey?
Five years ago, and we still look pretty much the same. Haa, man, we look the same as grade 3, who are we kidding?

Solidgold hang times with Prune. Pretty much as always. Sure, Prune irritates me just as much as anyone else, but I know her. I know her probably better than I know anyone. I don't have to explain anything to her or give her the backstory, she was there for most of it. And we also have similar approaches to communicating (mostly).
Island this summer:

(Remember the summertime? Not to go on about this, but MAN am I excited for this summer.)

anyway. yes, we hung out at dot and in true dot fashion we ran into another woman we've been meaning to make plans with. How totally classic.

All I've been listening to is the new Timber Timbre album. I just love this guy, guys.
Again, you can stream it here.
Fisher says it's not as good as the last one. And maybe not but it is surely still delicious and you can listen to them back-to-back if you like I'm alright with that for sure.
I've done a bit of cleaning lately, big sorting and cleaning out and tossing shit.
Diabetes foundation did a pick-up today and I left them 4 garbage bags full of stuff. Amazing. And that wasn't even all the clothes because I saved a bag to take for swapping. (clothing swaps are my life.)
Threw out so many shoes! Fuck you, shoes!
I still have 3 pairs of small brown boots. It's actually insane the amount of boots I need.
Boots boots boots boots.
Hey tomorrow is the 7 year anniversary of me living on my own. WHOA. Also 7 years in this apartment. Whoaly.
Prune brought me sage to burn in the corners of this place the first night we came here and a fuse had blown and there was no light. I didn't even have a bed when I first came here. I did have a lot of CDs, though. Ha, priorities.

Haa, my kitchen shelves still look like this basically. And this is from 5 years ago. I don't care. I still like it.
Plus it looks like I'm moving out in a couple of months here. PANIC. No, I used to have multiple panic dreams about losing this apartment but lately I feel a bit tired of this place and I have multiple dreams of finding other rooms and spaces I'd never realized were there.
Several dreams of rooftop gardens and several dreams of finding a whole other room which can just be my closet (haaaa imagine having a whole room devoted to clothes/accessories? yikes).

Before I had an AC unit in the back window I used to climb out onto the roof more. This is the view from outside.
Still love this place. Hopefully will sublet it for a few years, or hopefully someone I know rents it and then if they ever leave maybe I'd want it back.

These are today.
I get to work the Korn concert tonight. Where is the backward R key?
Then Jays home opener tomorrow and I'll be back in the green. Right? Lord, I hope so.