I realize it was a couple of days ago but still. I was busy yesterday doing nothing. As much nothing as I could possibly do. I was quite successful. Sometimes I can't tell if I'm depressed or just painfully lazy. Or maybe it's a fine line.

I watched probably 8 episodes of Lost. But, to be fair, I also was drawing a whole lot while I was watching Lost. So it wasn't an entire waste of time (yes it was).

Such lovely, lovely flowers! It's a good thing my blind-spot for flowers has gone, now I actually notice them and remember to fill up the water and enjoy them and stuff.
I've been thinking about breaking up the arrangement so that I can have maybe three vases around the apartment.... hmmm.

I got my mum to drop off some flowers for Killary as well because we are valentines. Forever.
Actual Valentines I spent with Dollface. I'm quite fond of that girl so it seemed fitting.
First we drank two bottles of wine at my house (including some pink bubbly. ugh so good and appropriate). And ate chocolates and bonbons and hummus and cheese and crackers and things.

I even let her use a fancy glass! I'm so nice.
We hung out and talked about a lot of things and watched Ruth Buzzi be a complete nutso all around like she likes to be.

From my house we went over to the Mod Club where there was a free show going on that was part of a movie filming. One of my friends has been working on this film, which is Bruce McDonald's latest, and so a bunch of friends were all there and some friends' bands were playing.
One of the acts was a scene from the movie, so they had to do a few takes of the same song. I always find this sort of thing interesting and I'm also overcome by jealousy. Obviously.
It was neat to see Molly Parker pretend to be a rockstar for sure.
Also, then when they were done that seen Bruce said, "that's a picture wrap on these two actors".
For those of you who haven't been onset, when a performer has completed their days of filming and are being wrapped then the director announces they are finished and then everyone gathers around and applauds them.
I love this idea.
It happened to me once and I was unawares of this practice at the time so I was stupid-happy to be singled-out and applauded. If only they hadn't sent me home right afterwards!
I cried.
Did I tell you this story before already? Probably.
Haha, I love going to set. People should let me come to set more often.
Annnyway, I didn't take photos there, nor at Dakota, which was our next stop. I was just so tired that I couldn't last through the evening. Also, drunk. But we stayed at Dakota for awhile and then hit up Lakeview for late dinner.

We both look so tired! haa, classic.

Despite the sour faces, it was really kind of a lovely time.

Except for how she spent the whole time on her phone (jokes). I wish I had an iPhone, then I could've been on my iPhone, too. BELL CANADA, GIVE ME AN IPHONE. Or Rogers, I'm easy, whoever wants to give it up.

While I went to the washroom before we were leaving, Dollface ordered (her favourite) chocolate-peanut-butter-banana milkshake. And she got them to put it into two cups for us to take to go!
Haha, like we really needed that!

Not a bad way to spend v-day, I had a weird moment in the afternoon feeling bitter about not having a love, but it passed pretty quickly. I've never had a bf on valentines day, but in my household growing up Valentines was about throwing chocolate at each other and loving your family and friends, not necessarily just your current involvement.
Anyway, I like it. And I like chocolate. And I should really remember to get to the store before they run out of discounted candy hearts...

Also, mother, you owe me a care-package. If you think I'm going to forget, you are sorely mistaken.