I thought there were more photos from this party but it looks like I deleted them all because they were terrible.
Yes, so Cheespie and sisterCheespie moved to Queen West (is everyone moving West all the damn time these days or what?) and they had a party!!
Pretty sisters! Guess which one is older, no, don't, they're both too hot for you.
Here is a picture of the party. Thank god I took this picture, eh? Wow.
It was the night before Valentines Day so I brought Valentines and candy. I love candy. I went to Shoppers on my way over and I picked up a flat of old Christmas candy. People will eat anything! Also how would candy even go bad? All it is is sugar and preservatives. It just gets a bit stale. Delicious.
Notice I have a real mug despite how the Cheeses bought plastic cups for us to use. Good thing I didn't break it!
Haha, this guy is doing such a good job in this photo.
He tried to ruin this photo, too. Little did he know the only important things are my eyes and rack. So there.
You can kinda see the giant heart tattoos I drew all over my arms. I also did drawings on other people in the kitchen for awhile there. Cheespie got a snowflake (my absolute favourite thing to draw) and another friend without a nickname got a truck (another of my favourite things to draw).
I can do a perfectly good job of ruining every photo myself.
Last night I went to the bar to watch the hockey game. Just kidding, I went after the game was over to meet up with some people. Too many dudes were out with us so I couldn't really scope around for fresh blood. Gross.
I'm glad I got out of the house for a bit there, though.
I was being just terrible yesterday. I watched hours of internet TV, ignored everything I was supposed to do, and ate everything in sight. I'm not even going to tell you all of it because it's embarrassing. AND FUN.
Ha, I went out with Raymi the other night and (because I'm a bad blogger) I didn't take any pictures but we did order a lot of food even a creme caramel (sogood) for desert and she said "I figure once you start eating you might as well keep going"
Words to live by.