So I've done the stupidest thing ever and started watching all of Lost. Ughhhh how am I going to do anything else now?
There's so much of it to get through and now I have to constantly avoid spoilers and keep a guard up for people who want to ruin it for me! Also I shouldn't finish watching it until it's all finished being aired so that I don't have to wait.
My life is so hard.

In other news, I'm trying to dry out a bit this week. Or at least at the beginning of this week... we'll see how that goes. Occasionally I wonder about my bio-dad's side of the family and if there was any tendency towards addiction. No one in my close family is a drinker or a drug user or prescription medication user or gambler or anything really... Well, sugar... and I don't even mean that sarcastically.
I feel like I should not be trusted to not be addicted to things. So far I've been alright (except candy and television and drinking) mostly and I sort of know my limits. But I specifically don't do (hard) drugs because I wouldn't trust myself not to want to do them all the time. Not kidding at all. Same thing with gambling for sure.
I've been seriously considering cocaine for weight loss... anyone?

I've added wrist-weights to my walks. Well, one day so far. So far, so good. I've been walking so, so much lately. It's kind of fantastic. It feels like nothing anymore. Every walk gets shorter and I can just zone into thinking about so many other things. I get super excited about things while I'm walking, I make big plans and chart out a full television series in my head.. but then when I get home I get wrapped in reading through my google reader and watching online tv. I think I need a limit on my internetting. It's getting out of hand.
Been considering hibernating more, it seems like the best plan this time of year, plus it'd be good to spend less money on pointless things and it'd be good to get stuff done at home. Except I don't get stuff done, I just make lentils and rice, and watch Lost.
But whenever anyone suggests anything social I find it very hard not to want to get on board. I love socializing!

I want to take more photos. I had a dream the other night that I was taking photos and it was very fun. Haha, good dream round-up.
I know that this weather and time of year are always hard but it's hard to keep that in mind and power-though. Who wants to cheer me up?
There's so much of it to get through and now I have to constantly avoid spoilers and keep a guard up for people who want to ruin it for me! Also I shouldn't finish watching it until it's all finished being aired so that I don't have to wait.
My life is so hard.

In other news, I'm trying to dry out a bit this week. Or at least at the beginning of this week... we'll see how that goes. Occasionally I wonder about my bio-dad's side of the family and if there was any tendency towards addiction. No one in my close family is a drinker or a drug user or prescription medication user or gambler or anything really... Well, sugar... and I don't even mean that sarcastically.
I feel like I should not be trusted to not be addicted to things. So far I've been alright (except candy and television and drinking) mostly and I sort of know my limits. But I specifically don't do (hard) drugs because I wouldn't trust myself not to want to do them all the time. Not kidding at all. Same thing with gambling for sure.
I've been seriously considering cocaine for weight loss... anyone?

I've added wrist-weights to my walks. Well, one day so far. So far, so good. I've been walking so, so much lately. It's kind of fantastic. It feels like nothing anymore. Every walk gets shorter and I can just zone into thinking about so many other things. I get super excited about things while I'm walking, I make big plans and chart out a full television series in my head.. but then when I get home I get wrapped in reading through my google reader and watching online tv. I think I need a limit on my internetting. It's getting out of hand.
Been considering hibernating more, it seems like the best plan this time of year, plus it'd be good to spend less money on pointless things and it'd be good to get stuff done at home. Except I don't get stuff done, I just make lentils and rice, and watch Lost.
But whenever anyone suggests anything social I find it very hard not to want to get on board. I love socializing!

I want to take more photos. I had a dream the other night that I was taking photos and it was very fun. Haha, good dream round-up.
I know that this weather and time of year are always hard but it's hard to keep that in mind and power-though. Who wants to cheer me up?