Here's some more pictures!!!

More fun with my Manson co-stars.
This is also around the time where my dress started to not stay up at all! Awesome.

my signature pose.

I love that this woman obviously had no idea of what she was walking through!

I'm really not sure why I feel the need to ruin every picture. It's easier than trying to look pretty, I guess.

See what happens when I try to give you a smile? Gross!

That's better.
Yeah, I think we're getting to the end of the night. Poor google-searchers who link over here looking for lots of pictures of the ACTRA awards, you only get toooo many pictures of me and my friends.

I find it a little hard to believe that I don't have a boyfriend.

I'm lovely and calm and delightful.

Who the fuck is Norman Yeung?

Oh, great, because I wasn't already the shortest of all my friends (especially given that I was wearing cowboy boots, not stilettos)!

Awww, see, there, we both look dreamy. Perfect.


Ugh, who puts writing on mirrors? Way harder to take pictures in.

Hey look it's this guy again!

He gives thumbs up! I'm not sure to what, but he's giving it.
I just friended him on FB and now I know that he is a model. Whoaaa fancy.


Thank god, someone has joined me in my stupid faces campaign.

I have no explanation for this one.

Or this one.
This is around the time when Norman was like "Let's go!"

So he got on his phone and made the plans.
And for some reason he held his hand like that. I don't know why!
Anyway, we headed out around 1, they said it was over then anyway, though there were still a bunch of people around. But we headed to the Embassy in Kensington to meet up with some people. And that was okay.
The best was that I got pizza on my way home from Massimo's because I'm dumb but I felt fine after. So There.
I think that just about rounds-up that evening.
Now I have to figure out what to do with today. It's snowing (finally) so I don't think I'll get around to doing that laundry I promised myself I would do today. Too bad for me!
I did make rice pudding, though. And I do have annoying hormones, so I will probably just go ahead and take this opportunity to do nothing (which is not unusual in any way).
I have NO shifts at work right now and it's so stupid. I need to get another job, I know I keep saying that.
Anyway, in the meantime I have to not spend any money ever.
So, who wants to do free things with me?
And who wants to take me out on the town??