Paaaaaaaaarty times!

ACTRA awards last night. They let anyone go to these things! Just kidding, as an apprentice member I definitely deserve to get to go. On a related note, I deserve to book more things and get all my credits and be a full member. Soon.

Met up with my castmates from Manson! Such cutes, such darlings. I think it's wonderful that we all still like each other. I think most Canadian actors are pretty nice because there's such limited work that if you want to work you have to be the nicest ever so that people want to work with you again.

I wasn't even drunk at this point, nor did I get sloppy in any way. I know, right?

More friends! This is when we were watching the ceremony. To me, the ceremony always feel like a bit of something that we have to get through in order to get back to drinking and partying. I didn't dance at all, I'm not sure how that happened but that's dumb. I guess I was too busy wandering around finding all my friends and everything. Way more people came that I know this year. Or maybe I just know more people?

Geri Hall hosted the awards!
She was even funnier than I expected. Like, I know that she's funny on 22 minutes and everything, but she had a couple of really spot-on great jokes.

She's very tall! And has a nice rack! Which I complimented. I felt like she would think that was funny. Then we had a little mini sit-down chit-chat about having "unique" voices. She was so great and friendly and lovely. Canadian actors, ya know?

Ran into this friend from work. He was being super cute with his gf. Awww. I might have told him it was free drinks so he was a bit disappointed when we found out we only got one drink ticket each!!
"It's a little hard not to drink responsibly when you only give us one drink ticket" - Geri Hall

Hey, look, it's my old school chum! There's only a few of us left plugging away from my graduating class... and it wasn't even that long ago. That's the way, though, I guess.

The lovely lady on the right is also from our class.
I ran into one of our teachers and said hi and she was so happy to see me and so glad that we're still at it. Awww.
Some days it is hard to think about continuing on as an "aspiring" actor.

Anyway, look, it's Peter Keleghan! Man, did he look sexy with that beard. Also, with his glasses but he took them off for the photo. Here I think he is trying to drink my martini...

This little co-worker of mine came along this year again, so cute. She just shot a bit of series for Superchannel guess who is jealous?

Just practicing and practicing for being famous.

posing is harder work than you'd think! I'm still terrible at it. You have no idea how many bad pictures I deleted...

Classic x 1000000

Oh yeah, so I made that dress yesterday. I totally 100% ripped off the pattern from a dress I already had... I just wanted a fancier one. It's a bit too slinky and definitely too tight and also didn't stay up properly (awesome) but overall I was alright with it.
Nice broach, too, you can't really see it there, I guess, but it is lovely. I've worn a sweet broach every year, actually. Traditions, traditions.
Okay that's enough for now. This is just part one, I guess.
Here's a photo from last year:

And from the first year:

I'm not sure this year was the best year, but it was still pretty funny. totally worthwhile and makes us feel a bit like we're really part of the industry and are all buds. Awww, etc.