I also ran into this guy who I know very vaguely and is one of my favourite singer-songwriters and he also plays in the arkells and he'd just gotten back from the olympics with them we had this conversation (or an approximation thereof)
dg: just got back from the olympics
me: What sport?
dg: ah, the 5-man bobsled?
me: whoa nice
dg: yeah, it's not the most publicized sport
me: sounds fun though
dg: all the men sort of lie on top of each other
me: so most are just padding?
dg: it's just math you know like one then two
me: yeah it's just math. like BEDMAS
dg: I wanted to call the band BEDMAS
me: hahahaaaa
dg: it didn't go over well
me: Nick wanted to call Sweet Thing "Elk Attack"
dg: hahaaaa (fine I don't know how he actually laughs that's just a representation it might have been more like hohohahaahoho who knows!)
Also I like the word bedmas because it just reminds me of beds and christmas. and therefore christmas mornings opening stockings in bed. SIGH.
You know I can't recall ever seeing the Arkells but everyone seems to like them oh look I can stream everything on their website. Nice one, internet!
This is also a good video blog of theirs:
You know what kinds of bands I like? Bands that like Motown.
Also I like Motown bands. Obviously. So does the BFF when we worked at the ice cream shop we would play those Motown records to death. And dance around.

Oh yeah here are some photos I keep forgetting to show you!

These are of allllll these dudes' new cover band which is called New Twigs (or something like that??) I don't have a link for ya, sorry.
But I will for certain tell you when they are playing next because if you are fun you'd like to come.

They do covers of like CCR and Springsteen and fucking I don't know like good fucking rock and roll and then you can dance (except not nearly enough people were dancing) and sing along real loud for sure.

Sass wants me to put up the video I took of them doing Harvest Moon (so good though I think that Elliott Smith's Harvest Moon is still my favourite what isn't my favourite about Elliott Smith?) but the sound quality on my camera is too terrible. Sorry Sass!

I said to Nick "are we old now? Do we now only like cover bands? Do we have to start going to the Bier Markt on Friday nights"
and he said "oh god, let's not get ahead of ourselves here."
me: "what about grace o'malley's???"
hahaaaaa gross.

Also Nick's band played! I hadn't seen them in too long so it sure was lovely to hear all my favourites again.
You know so many people I'm bffs with I met through Nick talking to him at that Silver Hearts show so many years ago was one of the best decisions I made. Maybe I will tell you that story sometime.

Leave me alone I like pictures of lights like this.

these pictures are way better than my band photos!

I'm constantly struggling with the names for people on here. I mean, I want to publicize people where I can for instance if they are musicians or actors or shop-owners or whatevers but I also don't want to necessarily tie them up in whatever bullshit comes along with me having a blog. Or I don't want them to be incriminated by shit I say about anything else. Also some people are pretty private or feel weird about being blogged about. Especially people who don't ever read blogs to them it's so strange to be written about or it's a big deal. I dunno. I guess I'll keep on with this halfsies of putting up a bit of information on people but not everything and then if you're uncomfortable with something I've written you can just let me know and I'll amend it. Also if you're fine with me writing whatever and using your full real name all the time for every story then you can let me know that, I guess?

People who use the internet for everything all the time totally get that everything is no big deal and people that don't can't understand why would all post so much information. they're like "are you trying to murdered?" umm remember phone books? remember when you could find someone's phone number and address just by knowing their name?? come on now!

whoa this band is pretty in squiggles!

I think I'm wienering out on watching "the game" today because I really have to work on my new project. Also there's some parties I might want to go to later and so, you know...
I did kinda feel like watching MEN be MEN watching SPORTS but also I'll probably get over it.