my new cats are here!

this one is called Odette and she is the one I like. She has a nice sort of a sad face that is good. She's still mildly scared of me but I bet will be best buds soon enough.

this one is called Béa. She is not cuddly. Luckily she is very pretty.

They follow my roommate around (their papa) like he is their leader. It's pretty cute. Also he calls them "little mama" which is very funny to me.
Anyway, that's the big news in my life.
Also, I'm in a waaaayy better mood these days. I think partially to do with being more productive. I'm really happy with what I'm making and have a billion high hopes of what my future is going to be about.
Nice nice.
also I've been spending a lot of time at my favourite bars with my favourite people and getting locked in until 5 in the morning at my one favourite place with lots of babes and just talking and making jokes and drinking forever.
Aaaand Hoops. Who could forget Hoops?
I was in kind of a temper the other day and what made me feel so much better was watching the Canucks game (we actually just watched the game pretty much full-attention) with my bud at Hoops. Awww.
100 times awww.