
"we're bad people" -my roommate, Ron
"no way man, I haven't slept with anyone this year" -me
maybe we'll have some resolutions up in this house but I BET NOT.
nah nah nah, man, I'm mature now like a grown adult guy this guy is now a good guy. Don't worry.

I'm charming........... Here I am getting ready to finish off the year. Dollface came over and made this super good dip that we ate the shit out of and washed it down with a bottle of prosecco from her ma! Looks like someone's ma doesn't give them a dirty look when they go for that second beer.....
We went to Comedy Bar last night with some lovely ladies and other pals. I specifically wanted a low-presh New Years and I definitely did not want to have to be chasing the fun or running from party to party so this ended up being really nice. I laaauughed and I danced and I drank and I kissed some people on their cheeks and was super pleased to hang out with some of my favourites and pleased to make other buds into better buds. So, basically right on.
Coulda been better if I had a sweet babe on my arm, but ya know, sometimes you can't have evvverything you like.
Also, it was Mantown!

I love the sparklers for Mantown!

Aw, this bud is adorable!

And I missed this cute face while I was away in Saskatoon for a couple weeks there. I mean, I see Nicole so goddamn much now that are improv lives are married together and we party forever at comedy and in life.
A funny thing happened where I tried to blame her for the way I've been saying my "A"s lately, specifically on words like Haaaandsome... it's almost like a midwestern thing but not quite. Anyhow, she blames that on me! Team influencing!
Also she said she's started putting her chin around in the air sometimes for emphasis, which is apparently something I do. Disbelieve that.
here is a video I just found on her blog of her backing up her claim of being a rapping genius.

I forced Dollface into getting up on stage for the Mantown drinking games. I would 100% forsure win those drinking games if I weren't allergic to beers. So many beers I don't drink!
Love her hot pink pants. Very festive!

This Mantown featured 100% more Jan Caruana.
1 Jan + 2 Babes. Nice.
I liked that. Although I do still like the other men who normally reside in this town.
It was the dirtiest mantown I've ever seen but luckily I can understand dirty jokes. I get them.

After my new year kiss from Dollface! So much red lipstick. Oh I left it on forsure. The only picture I have with the girls at new years is SO GODAWFUL that I need to save it for another time. It's so wonderfully bad that I just keep looking at it and laughing and crying at how ugly I am.
Why doesn't photoshop work on my computer right now!!??!
(I'm not going to make the photo better, only worse don't worry.)

I took these other glamour shots when I got home last night. Didn't really remember doing that. The good thing about there not being any nudie shots in this lot means I didn't send any to anyone! Right on! No, there are surprisingly few racy pictures of me that exist in this world and I feel a tiny bit sad that I'll probably make it to 30 without any surfacing on the internet. (horrified face from my relatives)
Not that I want them on the internet, I just feel like it'll probably eventually happen and it won't be when I'm at my best!
Let's do some nude scenes in some movies.
(just kidding I'm horrrribly prudish and awkward and insecure!)

haahahaaaa classic blank face pose.
My point is that HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!
I'm excited for this next year, maybe I'll learn how to work working into my funtime alltime schedule. I'd like that!
I like that my birthday happens beside the new year because then it's like everything is all new and fresh all together (I mean, never actually, but, you know).

What are your guys's resolutions?
I want to ask Siri but unfortunately I don't have her in my phone yet so I have to wait and then I'll ask her what to wish for my resolutions to be.